Africa (East)
British East Africa
East Africa & Uganda - Kenya and Uganda - KUT
Somaliland Protectorate
Tanganyika / Tanzania
(see also individual territory pages)
Revenue catalogues, journals and monographs (in chronological order of publication)
Note: in order to avoid excessive footnotes in the text, I have generally cited just the first author to list a particular stamp or variety, and have mentioned subsequent writers only when they have provided additional evidence or observations.
The Bulletin of the Fiscal Philatelic Society, vol 1 (1908-16) and vol 2 (1916-28) (reprinted by the Cinderella Stamp Club, London, 1980)
W Morley, Catalogue of the Revenue Stamps of the British Colonies (2nd edition, privately published, 1910)
A Forbin, Catalogue de Timbres-Fiscaux (Yvert & Tellier, Amiens, 1915)
A Koeppel, A Priced Checklist of the Revenue Stamps of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika, 'The American Revenuer' vol 11, no 5 (May 1957), pp1-4
I Gibson and J Hieatt, The Stamp Duty and Entertainment Tax Adhesives of Tanganyika (1961-1993), 'BEA' (the journal of the East Africa Study Circle) vol 7, no 47 (1994), pp34-49
R Hoffman, New Discoveries in East African Revenues, 'BEA' vol 7, nos 48-49 (1995), pp97-101, 150-7
P Ellis, Tanganyika Entertainment Tax, 'BEA' vol 8, no 53 (1996), pp214-6
I Gibson, The Fiscal Stamps of East Africa: A Review, 'BEA' vol 10, no 67 (2001), pp1-24
J Barefoot Ltd, British Commonwealth Revenues (8th Edition, privately published, 2008)
W Barber, The Impressed Duty Stamps of the British Colonial Empire (update to 1st Edition, privately published, Chesapeake, Virginia, 2009)
Other published works
Stanley Gibbons, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1952 (107th Edition, Stanley Gibbons Ltd, Ringwood, 2004)
S E R Hiscocks, Telegraph & Telephone Stamps of the World: a priced and annotated catalogue (privately published, 1982)
Individual contributors
I owe a vast debt of gratitude to the three experts of East Africa revenue philately - Regis Hoffman, Harald Krieg and Taddeo Papi - whose collaboration with me on this section of the website has been as entertaining as it has been informative.
Grateful thanks also to Carmel Axiaq, Steve Farago, Roger Gilbert, Rick Green, Ian Matheson, Richard Peck, Norm Seidelman, Terry Russell and Chris Walters for providing additional information and scans. Very special thanks also to the late Ian Gibson and David Springbett, both of whom did so much to further research into East African revenues.
Enormous thanks too to David Beech, Paul Skinner and Richard Morel at the British Library for their help and expertise, and for allowing me access to the Library's extensive Philatelic Collections including the Crown Agents Requisition books and proof material.
When reproducing images of stamps not in my own collection, I have sought the permission of the current owner whenever possible, though in some cases the current owner is not known to me. If I have inadvertently broken any rules of copyright, please help me to comply by bringing this to my attention.