Tanganyika / Tanzania
This chapter covers stamps issued from 1917 to the present day and inscribed in any of the following ways:
- GEA, overprinted on stamps of East Africa and Uganda Protectorates (1917-22)
- Tanganyika or Mandated Territory of Tanganyika (1922-current)
- Tanzania (1980s-current)
Stamps inscribed 'Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika' were valid for fiscal use in Tanganyika from 1935 until the 1960s. These are listed under East Africa and Uganda - Kenya and Uganda - KUT.
Tanganyika was united with Zanzibar in 1968 to form independent Tanzania. All Stamp Duty adhesives issued since then are inscribed 'Tanganyika', and it is unclear whether they have been valid in Zanzibar. Other revenue adhesives have been inscribed either 'Tanzania' or 'Zanzibar Revolutionary Government'; the latter are listed under Zanzibar.
Chapter overview
- Airport Tax (catalogue numbers prefixed A)
- Buffalo Fly Control (catalogue numbers prefixed B)
- Entertainment Tax (catalogue numbers prefixed E)
- Impressed revenue stamps (catalogue numbers prefixed Z)
- Kodi (catalogue numbers prefixed K)
- Labels (catalogue numbers prefixed L)
- Port Service Charge (catalogue numbers prefixed P)
- Revenue usage of dual-purpose Postage and Revenue stamps (catalogue numbers prefixed R)
- Stamp Duty (catalogue numbers prefixed S)
For stamps inscribed National Savings (Weka Akiba) or Ushuru, see under Labels.
Acknowledgments for Tanganyika - Tanzania can be found on the main East Africa page.
Airport Tax

?1970s. Label approx 60 x 55 mm, inscribed TANZANIA GOVERNMENT DEPARTURE SERVICE CHARGE. Imperf. Watermark Arms of Tanzania (extending across whole label, sideways reversed). Horizontal lines of microscopic text in light brown forming security background.
A1. 20s black
A1. 20s black

1986-89 (recorded usage). Arms of Tanzania. Inscribed GOVERNMENT AIRPORT DEPARTURE SERVICE CHARGE. Perf 10½. No watermark. A11 additionally with handstamped surcharge in purple, A13 with manuscript surcharge 3 cancelling 2 in '200/-'.
a) Denominated in shillings; vertical format, 25½ x 37 mm
A10. 125s brown-rose
A11. 140s on 125s brown-rose
A12. 200s brown-rose
A13. 300s on 200s brown-rose
b) Denominated in US dollars; horizontal format, 35 x 25½ mm
A14. $10 grey-green
Recorded usage: A12 (1987), A13 (1989), A14 (1986-88)
a) Denominated in shillings; vertical format, 25½ x 37 mm
A10. 125s brown-rose
A11. 140s on 125s brown-rose
A12. 200s brown-rose
A13. 300s on 200s brown-rose
b) Denominated in US dollars; horizontal format, 35 x 25½ mm
A14. $10 grey-green
Recorded usage: A12 (1987), A13 (1989), A14 (1986-88)
1989-2000 (recorded usage). Aircraft, Arms of Tanzania and airport terminal. Inscribed as before. 25½ x 36 mm. Perf 10½. No watermark.
a) Denominated in shillings
A21. 500s purple
A22. 800s gold
b) Denominated in US dollars
A23. $20 blue and bright green
a. Perf 9½
Recorded usage: A21 (1989-92), A22 (1994), A23 (1991-2000).
a) Denominated in shillings
A21. 500s purple
A22. 800s gold
b) Denominated in US dollars
A23. $20 blue and bright green
a. Perf 9½
Recorded usage: A21 (1989-92), A22 (1994), A23 (1991-2000).
1990-94 (recorded usage). Provisional handstamp surcharges on A21/22.
A27. 800s on 500s purple
A28. 1000s on 800s on 500s purple
A31. 1000s on 500s purple
A32. 1000s on 800s gold
Recorded usage: A27 (1990), A28 (), A31 (1992-93), A32 (1992-94).
Note: there is some variation in the size and format of overprints. The overprint on A31 measures approx 18 x 4 mm and is in violet, with two bars in '1000/='. The overprint on A32 is slightly smaller at 14 x 3 mm and is in black, with only one bar in 1000/-. Of the two examples I have seen of A28, one has the original values (both 500 and 800) deleted in manuscript and one does not.
A27. 800s on 500s purple
A28. 1000s on 800s on 500s purple
A31. 1000s on 500s purple
A32. 1000s on 800s gold
Recorded usage: A27 (1990), A28 (), A31 (1992-93), A32 (1992-94).
Note: there is some variation in the size and format of overprints. The overprint on A31 measures approx 18 x 4 mm and is in violet, with two bars in '1000/='. The overprint on A32 is slightly smaller at 14 x 3 mm and is in black, with only one bar in 1000/-. Of the two examples I have seen of A28, one has the original values (both 500 and 800) deleted in manuscript and one does not.
Buffalo Fly Control

B1 (image taken from Barefoot)
c1950. Stamp Duty adhesive of 1950 (King George VI portrait) overprinted Buffalo Fly Control in narrow sans-serif letters.
B1. 10c grey-green
B1. 10c grey-green
Entertainment Tax

c1963. Kodi (Coat of Arms) issue handstamped ENTER- TAINMENT TAX in three lines, in violet, seriffed, 16 x 9½ mm.
E1. 1s deep violet
c1963-70s. Small format type featuring Arms of Tanganyika, handstamped Entertainment Tax in various different fonts and styles. The handstamps can be found upright, inverted, sideways or diagonal.

a) ENTER- TAINMENT TAX in three lines, 16 x 9½ mm, in violet, seriffed (as E1 above)
E11. 1s orange
E12. 2s claret
E13. 10s on 10c grey-green
E11. 1s orange
E12. 2s claret
E13. 10s on 10c grey-green

b) Similar to a) but slightly smaller and enclosed in a circle 20 mm across
E21. 2s claret

c) ENTERTAIN- MENTS TAX in three lines with vertical space between MENTS and TAX, 16 x 12½ mm, in violet, seriffed
E31. 1s orange
E32. 2s claret
Note: Ellis records a block of the 1s stamp (either E11 or E31) with the handstamp omitted on one stamp (Row 9/1).
E31. 1s orange
E32. 2s claret
Note: Ellis records a block of the 1s stamp (either E11 or E31) with the handstamp omitted on one stamp (Row 9/1).
c1980s (recorded usage). Similar types but surcharged E/TAX 6/- in sans-serif font.

a) Handstamped in violet, 14 x 8 mm
E41. 6s on 20c slate
E42. 6s on 50c purple

b) Machine-surcharged in black, 13½ x 9 mm
E51. 6s on 10c grey-green
E52. 6s on 20c slate

1990 (earliest recorded usage). State Arms, inscribed GOVERNMENT ENTERTAINMENT TAX. 26 x 36 mm. Perf 10½. No watermark.
E61. 15s bistre
An example cancelled 5 SEPT 1990 is illustrated by Gibson & Hieatt.

c1990. Similar format but featuring Arms of Dar Es Salaam and inscribed DAR ES SALAAM CITY COUNCIL ENTERTAINMENT TAX. 25½ x 35½ mm. Perf 10½. No watermark.
E66. 20s pale blue
There is currently no listing here for Tanzania Excise labels but I refer readers to Andrey Vasiunin's excellent website Tax Stamps Collection.
Impressed revenue stamps
Illustrated here are proofs for impressed stamps denominated from 6 cents to 10 florins, all in vermilion. The florin was introduced on 31st July 1920 as a replacement for the East African rupee, and was replaced by the East African shilling (1 florin = 2 shillings) at the end of 1921, suggesting that these proofs were prepared during this brief period. No other examples have been recorded to date, and it is not known whether these were ever issued.
1954-62 (recorded usage). Crown and ornaments with date plugs (the year plug sideways). Inscribed TANGANYIKA STAMP DUTY. 20 x 28 mm (20c) or 29 x 38 mm (1s).
Z1. 20c vermilion
Z2. 1s vermilion
Note: illustrated above is a master proof denominated SHILLINGS with a blank space above to allow a number to be added. Z2 was evidently produced using this die, which explains why the word SHILLINGS is plural despite being only a 1s value.
Z1. 20c vermilion
Z2. 1s vermilion
Note: illustrated above is a master proof denominated SHILLINGS with a blank space above to allow a number to be added. Z2 was evidently produced using this die, which explains why the word SHILLINGS is plural despite being only a 1s value.
1955-59. Receipt stamps used on cheques.

a) Rubber handstamped receipt reading STAMP DUTY CENTS THIRTY COMPOUNDED (first recorded usage 1955)
Z11. 30c violet
Z11. 30c violet

b) Imprinted double-ring oval reading DUTY PAID 30 Cents
(first recorded usage 1959)
Z16. 30c black
(first recorded usage 1959)
Z16. 30c black

1969 (recorded usage). Arms of Tanzania with date plugs. Inscribed TANGANYIKA STAMP DUTY. 18½ x 28 mm.
Z26. 30c vermilion

1934. Large Nyasa key type featuring the portrait of King George V. 25½ x 30 mm. Perf 14. Watermark Multiple Script CA. Printed (typo) by De La Rue.
K1. 1s scarlet and dull purple
The first printing of this stamp was despatched to Tanganyika in August 1934, with subsequent printings being sent in July/August 1935, May/June 1936 and March 1937. The final printing (Req 1322/2) was delayed by a British constitutional crisis. When the Crown Agents commissioned the printing (25th November 1936), they specified that the stamps should feature the head of King Edward VIII, but on 10th December he abdicated and George VI became king. It was seen as inappropriate to go ahead with the Edward VIII stamps but a new George VI head plate would not be ready for some months, so on 17th December the Crown Agents wrote to De La Rue and directed that the printing should be carried out using the old King George V head plate.
K1. 1s scarlet and dull purple
The first printing of this stamp was despatched to Tanganyika in August 1934, with subsequent printings being sent in July/August 1935, May/June 1936 and March 1937. The final printing (Req 1322/2) was delayed by a British constitutional crisis. When the Crown Agents commissioned the printing (25th November 1936), they specified that the stamps should feature the head of King Edward VIII, but on 10th December he abdicated and George VI became king. It was seen as inappropriate to go ahead with the Edward VIII stamps but a new George VI head plate would not be ready for some months, so on 17th December the Crown Agents wrote to De La Rue and directed that the printing should be carried out using the old King George V head plate.
1938-49. Similar type but portrait changed to King George VI, and new value (50c) in small format 18½ x 22½ mm. Perf 14. Watermark Multiple Script CA.
[K2. 50c dull green and ultramarine]
K3. 1s scarlet and dull purple
a. Perf 13 (1950)
K4. 5s black and green (1949)
The first perf 14 printing of the 1s was despatched to Tanganyika in October/November 1937, so it presumed that it was issued in early 1938. This was then reprinted in 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945 and 1948, then finally (with the change to perf 13) in 1950. The 50c and 5s were each printed only once, in 1938 and 1949 respectively. The existence of the 50c is known from archives, though no issued examples have yet been recorded.
[K2. 50c dull green and ultramarine]
K3. 1s scarlet and dull purple
a. Perf 13 (1950)
K4. 5s black and green (1949)
The first perf 14 printing of the 1s was despatched to Tanganyika in October/November 1937, so it presumed that it was issued in early 1938. This was then reprinted in 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945 and 1948, then finally (with the change to perf 13) in 1950. The 50c and 5s were each printed only once, in 1938 and 1949 respectively. The existence of the 50c is known from archives, though no issued examples have yet been recorded.
1954. Similar type but portrait changed to Queen Elizabeth II. Perf 13. Watermark Multiple Script CA.
K5. 1s scarlet and dull purple
K6. 5s black and green
Note: both stamps were printed only once, and sent to Tanganyika in October/November 1953.
K5. 1s scarlet and dull purple
K6. 5s black and green
Note: both stamps were printed only once, and sent to Tanganyika in October/November 1953.
1962. New type featuring the Arms of independent Tanzania. 26 x 30½ mm. Perf 12 x 11½. No watermark. Printed by Bradbury Wilkinson.
K11. 1s deep violet
K12. 5s bright green
[K13. 10s deep brown]
[K14. 20s carmine]
Note: proofs were approved on 26th September 1962, and the first printing of all values was sent to Tanganyika on 9th January 1963. The 10s and 20s have not yet been recorded as issued stamps except the 10s overprinted for Stamp Duty.
K11. 1s deep violet
K12. 5s bright green
[K13. 10s deep brown]
[K14. 20s carmine]
Note: proofs were approved on 26th September 1962, and the first printing of all values was sent to Tanganyika on 9th January 1963. The 10s and 20s have not yet been recorded as issued stamps except the 10s overprinted for Stamp Duty.

1941 (earliest recorded usage). Defence savings fund. 21 x 27 mm. Inscribed TANGA 20 CENTS in red over WAR WEAPONS (x13) in deep blue. Perf 11. No watermark.
L1. 20c red and deep blue

c1960s. Tanzania National Housing Corporation Slum Clearance. Breeze block and slogan BUY A BRICK BUILD THE NATION in Swahili and English. 33 x 30 mm. Perf 14½ x 13. No watermark.
L2. 1s black and green
Two further labels or stamps are currently known only from imperf proofs in the Crown Agents archive. Details are as follows:
Design: Giant numeral in centre, security background of multiple LG
Inscriptions: Blank tablet at top, USHURU (= Taxation) at foot
Size: 19.5 x 24.5 mm
Printers: Harrison
Value and colour: 5s rose-red
Proof approved: 18th November 1964
Design: Torch
Inscriptions: WEKA AKIBA (= National Savings) TANZANIA Sh. 1/- NATIONAL SAVINGS
Size: 22.5 x 22.5 mm
Printers: Harrison
Value and colour: 1s deep green
Proof approved: 9th April 1965
I have not seen any issued examples of either of these types.
Port Service Charge
1993 (recorded usage). Symbol of Navigation and Arms of Tanzania. Inscribed Tanzania Government. 36 x 26 mm. Perf 10½. No watermark.
a) Inscribed in Swahili USHURU WA BANDARI (RESIDENTS); denominated in shillings
P1. 300s green
b) Inscribed in English PORT SERVICE CHARGE (FOREIGNERS); denominated in US dollars
P2. $5 purple
a) Inscribed in Swahili USHURU WA BANDARI (RESIDENTS); denominated in shillings
P1. 300s green
b) Inscribed in English PORT SERVICE CHARGE (FOREIGNERS); denominated in US dollars
P2. $5 purple
Revenue usage of dual-purpose Postage and Revenue stamps
Note: for ease of reference, numbering follows the Stanley Gibbons Part 1 catalogue throughout this section. Values listed here are those recorded as having been used for revenue purposes.
Note: for ease of reference, numbering follows the Stanley Gibbons Part 1 catalogue throughout this section. Values listed here are those recorded as having been used for revenue purposes.
1917-21. King George V stamps inscribed East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, overprinted G.E.A. for use in former German East Africa. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA.

R58w front and back showing inverted watermark
R45. 1c black (red opt)
R49. 10c yellow-orange
R50. 12c slate-grey
R52. 25c black and red on yellow
R53. 50c black and lilac
R54. 75c black on blue-green (red opt)
R55. 1r black on green (red opt)
R56. 2r red and black on blue
R57. 3r violet and green
R58. 4r red and green on yellow
w. Wmk inverted
R59. 5r blue and dull purple
R60. 10r red and green on green
a. On emerald back
R61. 20r black and purple on red
1. Barefoot also lists the 50r, but I have not seen this value fiscally used.
2. The images of R58w are taken from the website of Ormskirk Stamps, where the variety was discovered.
R49. 10c yellow-orange
R50. 12c slate-grey
R52. 25c black and red on yellow
R53. 50c black and lilac
R54. 75c black on blue-green (red opt)
R55. 1r black on green (red opt)
R56. 2r red and black on blue
R57. 3r violet and green
R58. 4r red and green on yellow
w. Wmk inverted
R59. 5r blue and dull purple
R60. 10r red and green on green
a. On emerald back
R61. 20r black and purple on red
1. Barefoot also lists the 50r, but I have not seen this value fiscally used.
2. The images of R58w are taken from the website of Ormskirk Stamps, where the variety was discovered.

1921. As previous issue but wmk Multiple Script CA.
R65. 50c black and dull purple
R66. 2r red and black on blue
1922-24. Giraffe's head in ornamental frame. Inscribed Tanganyika. Cents values 16½ x 20½ mm, perf 15 x 14; others 25½ x 29½ mm, perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA, upright except where indicated.
R74. 5c black and slate-purple
R76. 15c black and carmine-red
R81. 50c black and slate-grey
R83. 1s black and green (wmk sideways)
R85. 3s black (wmk sideways)
R86a. 5s black and scarlet
R87a. 10s black and deep blue
R88. £1 black and yellow-orange (wmk sideways)
a. Wmk upright
R74. 5c black and slate-purple
R76. 15c black and carmine-red
R81. 50c black and slate-grey
R83. 1s black and green (wmk sideways)
R85. 3s black (wmk sideways)
R86a. 5s black and scarlet
R87a. 10s black and deep blue
R88. £1 black and yellow-orange (wmk sideways)
a. Wmk upright
1927-31. King George V stamps inscribed Mandated Territory of Tanganyika. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
R93. 5c black and green
R94. 10c black and yellow
R95. 15c black and carmine-red
R96. 20c black and orange-buff
R97. 25c black and bright blue
R100. 50c black and grey
R101. 75c black and olive-green
R102. 1s black and green
R103. 2s black and deep purple
R104. 3s black and black
R105. 5s black and carmine-red
R106. 10s black and deep blue
R107. £1 black and brown-orange
R93. 5c black and green
R94. 10c black and yellow
R95. 15c black and carmine-red
R96. 20c black and orange-buff
R97. 25c black and bright blue
R100. 50c black and grey
R101. 75c black and olive-green
R102. 1s black and green
R103. 2s black and deep purple
R104. 3s black and black
R105. 5s black and carmine-red
R106. 10s black and deep blue
R107. £1 black and brown-orange
Stamp Duty
1950. Stamp Duty key type featuring palm trees and portrait of King George VI, using the head plate from the 1937-1950 Stamp Duty series of Hong Kong. 25½ x 30 mm. Perf 13. Watermark Multiple Script CA. Printed (typo) by De La Rue. Sheets of 60.
S1. 10c grey-green
S2. 20c orange
S3. 50c purple
S4. 1s blue
S5. 2s brown
S6. 5s green and violet
S7. 10s green and brown
S8. 20s scarlet and brown
1. The first printing of this issue was printed in December 1949, though no dispatch date is recorded in the Crown Agents Requisition books. A second printing of the 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s and 5s was sent to Tanganyika in March 1950, and a final reprint of all eight values was dispatched in June 1950.
2. Three additional values (3s, 40s and 50s) were listed in the original requisition but cancelled prior to proof stage.
3. The 2s is known postally used.
S1. 10c grey-green
S2. 20c orange
S3. 50c purple
S4. 1s blue
S5. 2s brown
S6. 5s green and violet
S7. 10s green and brown
S8. 20s scarlet and brown
1. The first printing of this issue was printed in December 1949, though no dispatch date is recorded in the Crown Agents Requisition books. A second printing of the 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s and 5s was sent to Tanganyika in March 1950, and a final reprint of all eight values was dispatched in June 1950.
2. Three additional values (3s, 40s and 50s) were listed in the original requisition but cancelled prior to proof stage.
3. The 2s is known postally used.
1954-59. Similar type but portrait changed to Queen Elizabeth II. Perf 13. Watermark Multiple Script CA.
S11. 10c grey-green
S12. 20c orange (1958)
S13. 50c purple (1957)
S14. 1s blue
S15. 2s brown
S16. 5s green and violet (1959)
Note: the 10c, 1s and 2s were first sent to Tanganyika in April/May 1954 (Req 2047/1). The other values were added later under new requisitions - 50c (Req 9310/1), 20c (Req 2230/1) and finally 5s (Req number unknown). Gibson lists a 10s value but it clear from the archives that no such denomination was issued.
S11. 10c grey-green
S12. 20c orange (1958)
S13. 50c purple (1957)
S14. 1s blue
S15. 2s brown
S16. 5s green and violet (1959)
Note: the 10c, 1s and 2s were first sent to Tanganyika in April/May 1954 (Req 2047/1). The other values were added later under new requisitions - 50c (Req 9310/1), 20c (Req 2230/1) and finally 5s (Req number unknown). Gibson lists a 10s value but it clear from the archives that no such denomination was issued.

c1958 (according to Gibson). S14 surcharged ten cents in words, 4 x 24 mm.
S18. 10c on 1s blue
S18. 10c on 1s blue
c1963. Kodi (Coat of Arms) issue surcharged STAMP DUTY 10 CENTS in sans-serif letters, surrounded by frame 26 x 26 mm.
S21. 10c on 1s deep violet
S22. 10c on 10s deep brown
S21. 10c on 1s deep violet
S22. 10c on 10s deep brown

1962. Small format type featuring Arms of Tanganyika. 17 x 21 mm. Perf 15 x 14. No watermark. STAMP DUTY inscription 9½ mm at lower left. Printed by Harrison.
S31. 10c grey-green
S32. 20c slate
S33. 50c purple
S34. 1s orange
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
S35. 2s claret
S36. 5s bright green
S37. 10s brown
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
S38. 20s rose
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
1. The date of issue is derived from the dispatch dates for the first printing (see below). Gibson & Hieatt state that the 20s was not issued until the early 1980s (along with a new shade of the 10s) but this goes against the Req books data, which clearly show that all eight values from 10c to 20s were issued together. I suspect that the watermarked stamps (S34a, S37a and S38a) were issued later than the 1983 surcharges since the surcharged stamps are all unwatermarked.
2. Barefoot lists a 3s, but this value was never ordered.
3. The 10c is known with postal cancel.
4. Gibson & Hieatt note that these stamps (and the subsequent issues listed below) were used only in Tanganyika and not in Zanzibar, even after the unification of the two territories in 1965 to form Tanzania.
5. For higher values (50s and 100s) in a slightly redrawn design, see S51/2 below.
(Note: this list is probably incomplete and will be added to in future)
S31. 10c grey-green
S32. 20c slate
S33. 50c purple
S34. 1s orange
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
S35. 2s claret
S36. 5s bright green
S37. 10s brown
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
S38. 20s rose
a. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways)
1. The date of issue is derived from the dispatch dates for the first printing (see below). Gibson & Hieatt state that the 20s was not issued until the early 1980s (along with a new shade of the 10s) but this goes against the Req books data, which clearly show that all eight values from 10c to 20s were issued together. I suspect that the watermarked stamps (S34a, S37a and S38a) were issued later than the 1983 surcharges since the surcharged stamps are all unwatermarked.
2. Barefoot lists a 3s, but this value was never ordered.
3. The 10c is known with postal cancel.
4. Gibson & Hieatt note that these stamps (and the subsequent issues listed below) were used only in Tanganyika and not in Zanzibar, even after the unification of the two territories in 1965 to form Tanzania.
5. For higher values (50s and 100s) in a slightly redrawn design, see S51/2 below.
- Req 7794/1 (sent to Tanzania 5th December 1961 to 7th August 1962): 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s
- Req 2504/1 (sent to Tanzania 19th November 1962): 50c, 1s, 2s, 5s
- Req 3709/1 (sent to Tanzania 24th June 1963): 10c, 20c, 10s, 20s
- Req 1/1 (sent to Tanzania 20th December 1963 to 21st January 1964): 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s, 2s, 10s, 20s
- Req 3/1 (sent to Tanzania 13th May 1964): 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s
- Req 5/45382/1 (date not recorded): 10c, 20c, 2s, 20s
- Req 6/35654/1 (date not recorded): 10c, 20c, 50c, 5s, 20s
- Req 7/49791/1 (date not recorded): 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s
- Req 8/54380/1 - no further details recorded
- Req 9/38977/1 (date not recorded): 10c, 2s
(Note: this list is probably incomplete and will be added to in future)
1983 (earliest recorded usage). Previous issue surcharged in figures 3½ mm high.
S41. 1s on 10c grey-green
S42. 1s on 20c slate
S43. 2s on 10c grey-green
S44. 2s on 20c slate
S45. 5s on 20c slate
S46. 10s on 10c grey-green
S47. 10s on 20c slate
S48. 20s on 10c grey-green
a. Surcharge 4½ mm high
S49. 20s on 20c slate
S41. 1s on 10c grey-green
S42. 1s on 20c slate
S43. 2s on 10c grey-green
S44. 2s on 20c slate
S45. 5s on 20c slate
S46. 10s on 10c grey-green
S47. 10s on 20c slate
S48. 20s on 10c grey-green
a. Surcharge 4½ mm high
S49. 20s on 20c slate

c1983. Small format Arms type as S31/38 but slightly redrawn, with STAMP DUTY inscription 7½ mm at lower left. Perf 15 x 14. Wmk Script Harrison & Sons (sideways).
S51. 50s slate
S52. 100s reddish purple
S51. 50s slate
S52. 100s reddish purple
1985-94 (recorded imprints). Small format Arms type again redrawn. 17 x 20½ mm. Perf 10½. No watermark. Printed by the Tanzania Government Security Printing Department (imprint in lower sheet margin). Sheets 10 x 10.
a) Without security lettering
a) Without security lettering

Enlargement showing S67a (top) and S67
S61. 1s deep orange
S62. 2s brownish rose
S63. 5s green
S64. 10s yellow-brown
S65. 20s pale rose-pink
S66. 50s grey-blue
S67. 100s magenta
a. Tilde on first N of TANGANYIKA
b. Perf 7
c. Bright magenta, very rough perf 7
S62. 2s brownish rose
S63. 5s green
S64. 10s yellow-brown
S65. 20s pale rose-pink
S66. 50s grey-blue
S67. 100s magenta
a. Tilde on first N of TANGANYIKA
b. Perf 7
c. Bright magenta, very rough perf 7

b) Security lettering multiple TRA (= Tanzania Revenue Authority) at right
S71. 100s magenta
1. The year of printing is shown in the sheet margins at the foot of the stamp. The following imprint dates have been recorded: 1s (1985, 1986, 1991, March 1994), 2s (1991, March 1994, September 1994), 5s (1985, 1991, March 1994), 10s (1991, December 1993), 20s (1992, September 1994).
2. S67a is a constant plate variety, occurring on the penultimate stamp in the top row of the sheet.
3. Most values are known in a wide range of shades.
4. For 500s value (as listed by Barefoot) in slightly revised type, see S91/a below.

c1995. Similar type but redrawn with blank background. Perf 10½.
S81. 10s red-brown
c2000. New type similar to S61ff but with amended Coat of Arms and slightly redrawn lettering, with TANGANYIKA in shorter letters. Perf 10½. No watermark.
S91. 500s bright turquoise-green
a. Perf 12
2018 (first recorded). As S91/a but Arms again redrawn. 16 x 19½ mm. Roulette 10. No watermark. Self-adhesive.
S96. 500s bright green
Note: S96 was on sale at Tanzania Revenue Authority offices in October 2018.
S91. 500s bright turquoise-green
a. Perf 12
2018 (first recorded). As S91/a but Arms again redrawn. 16 x 19½ mm. Roulette 10. No watermark. Self-adhesive.
S96. 500s bright green
Note: S96 was on sale at Tanzania Revenue Authority offices in October 2018.