Burma / Myanmar stamp paper
The illustrations on this page show only the printed top portion of each paper, and the measurements given here refer to that printed part only except where specified. For more details on Burma stamp paper, including exact measurements of each type of paper, illustrations of the various types of watermark, security imprints and a full discussion of usage, see Davis & Meech pp27ff.
Chapter overview
- Burma stamp paper (catalogue numbers prefixed Z)
- Japanese Occupation of Burma stamp paper (catalogue numbers prefixed ZJ)
For Burma adhesives and acknowledgements, click here
Burma stamp paper
c1920s. Stamp paper of India overprinted BURMA. Various types a) to i).
Portrait of Queen Victoria, inscribed FOR COPIES ONLY in cartouche at
top, opt BURMA in English at top left and in Burmese at right
Z1. 3a brown (image from Davis & Meech) b) As a) but portrait of King Edward VII [Z6. 3a brown] Z7. 5a green (image from Davis & Meech) Note: Z6 is listed by Davis & Meech but I have not seen this value. |
c) Two or three medallions featuring King George V, no cartouche at top. Opt BURMA once centrally in large seriffed capitals, or surcharged also (Z9 and Z13). With De La Rue imprint (Z10 and Z13) or Hindi imprint (Z11/12) below design. Z9. 2r on 4r8a brown Z10. 60r green (De La Rue imprint) Z11. 60r green (Hindi imprint) Z12. 75r green Z13. 250r on 1000r vermilion |
1920s-30s. New King George V types specially printed for Burma. Inscribed Government of Burma at top, and Revenue Stamp above the portrait. a) Watermarked BELOW ONE RUPEE in floral frame (Z32 illustrated above left) [Z31. 4a deep blue and yellow-green] Z32. 8a deep blue and yellow-green [Z33. 8a very pale blue and yellow-green] b) Watermarked GOVERNMENT OF BURMA Z41. 2a deep blue and yellow-green Z42. 4a deep blue and yellow-green Z43. 8a deep blue and yellow-green Z44. 1r purple-brown and light brown a. Chocolate and light brown Z45. 2r purple-brown and light brown Z46. 5r purple-brown and light brown Z47. 10r deep brown and olive-green Z48. 25r deep brown and olive-green Z49. 100r green and slate-blue Z50. 250r orange-red and yellow-brown Note: Z31 and Z33 are listed by Davis & Meech but I have not seen these. |

1930s. Similar to Z41ff but inscribed Court Fee Stamp above the portrait, with Court Fee also inscribed in cartouche at top. Watermarked GOVERNMENT OF BURMA.
Z61. 10r deep brown and olive-green
Z62. 25r deep brown and olive-green
Z63. 100r green and slate-blue
Z64. 250r scarlet and orange

The 20r paper illustrated at left is a proof recorded by Davis & Meech, similar to Z61/64 but without the central cartouche at top. No paper denominated 20r was ever issued.
Stamp papers issued under Japanese Occupation are listed at the foot of this page

c1945. As Z42ff but overprinted MILY. ADMN in seriffed capitals.
Z71. 4a deep blue and yellow-green
Z72. 8a deep blue and yellow-green
Z73. 1r chocolate and light brown
Z74. 2r chocolate and light brown
Z75. 5r chocolate and light brown
Z76. 10r deep brown and olive-green
Z77. 25r deep brown and olive-green

c1946. King George V types overprinted in red with the royal cypher of King George VI.
a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp (as Z43/45)
Z81. 8a deep blue and yellow-green
Z82. 1r chocolate and yellow-brown
Z83. 2r purple-brown and yellow-brown
b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp with cartouche at top (as Z61)
Z91. 10r deep brown and olive-green
c) Same overprint on c1920s Court Fee (Z21)
Z96. 75r green
a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp (as Z43/45)
Z81. 8a deep blue and yellow-green
Z82. 1r chocolate and yellow-brown
Z83. 2r purple-brown and yellow-brown
b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp with cartouche at top (as Z61)
Z91. 10r deep brown and olive-green
c) Same overprint on c1920s Court Fee (Z21)
Z96. 75r green
c1950. New type featuring chinthes, inscribed Government of Burma in English at top. Watermarked GOVERNMENT OF BURMA. a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre Z101. 2a slate-blue and pale green Z102. 4a slate-blue and pale green Z103. 8a slate-blue and pale green Z104. 1r chocolate and pale brown Z105. 2r chocolate and pale brown Z106. 5r chocolate and pale brown Z107. 10r deep brown and olive-green Z108. 25r deep brown and olive-green Z109. 60r deep brown and olive-green Z110. 75r deep brown and olive-green Z110a. 100r deep green and slate-grey Z110b. 250r scarlet and yellow-orange Z110c. 500r scarlet and yellow-orange |

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
[Z111. 2r chocolate and pale brown]
[Z112. 5r chocolate and pale brown]
Z113. 10r deep brown and olive-green
Z114. 25r deep brown and olive-green
Z115. 60r deep brown and olive-green
Z116. 75r deep brown and olive-green
Z117. 100r deep green and slate-grey
Z118. 250r scarlet and yellow-orange
Note: the 2r and 5r are listed by Davis & Meech but I have not seen these values.

c1960. Similar chinthe type but inscribed Government of the Union of Burma in English, with Burmese above. Value in decimal currency. Watermarked GOVERNMENT OF BURMA.
a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre
Z121. 50p slate-blue and pale green
Z122. 1k purple and pale lilac
Z123. 2k purple and pale lilac
Z124. 5k purple and pale lilac

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
Z131. 100k deep green and slate-grey
Z132. 250k scarlet and buff

c1970. As Z122/123 but new watermark (Multiple SPI and stars, sideways) and colours changed. Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre.
Z141. 1k purple-brown and pale brown
Z142. 2k purple-brown and pale brown
Note: from this point onwards, all papers have a security background extending across the whole sheet, printed in the second colour listed. Values of 10k and above additionally have a medallion motif in the centre of the sheet, printed in the background colour, consisting of the outline of a Chinthe with the country name inscribed above and below in Burmese and English respectively.

c1975. New chinthe type inscribed Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma. No wmk (1k to 5k) or wmk multiple stars in zigzag lines (others).
a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre
Z151. 1k purple and pale purple
Z152. 2k purple and pale purple
Z153. 5k purple and deep pink
[Z154. 10k pale green]
Z155. 10k deep brown and olive-brown
Z156. 25k lake and pale orange-brown
Z157. 60k deep brown and pale olive
Z158. 75k grey-blue
Z159. 100k green
Z160. 500k violet
1. There are slight differences in the design between the 1k to 5k and the 10k and above. For example the lower central panel contains the denomination in words - in both Burmese and English (lower values) or in Burmese only (10k and above).
2. The 10k pale green is listed by Davis & Meech but I have not seen the 10k paper in this colour.

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
Z161. 10k mauve and pale mauve
Z162. 60k deep brown and pale olive
(image from Davis & Meech)
Z163. 100k green and pale red-orange
Z164. 250k red-brown and pale olive

c1990. Similar to Z151ff but inscribed Union of Burma. No wmk (1k and 2k) or wmk multiple stars in zigzag lines (10k). Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre.
Z171. 1k purple and pink
Z172. 2k purple and pink
Z173. 10k olive-brown
c1995. As previous issue but English inscription changed to Union of Myanmar. No wmk (1k to 6k) or wmk multiple stars in zigzag lines (others). The 1000k and above have a more ornate security background printed in two colours, with the central Chinthe medallion in the last colour listed.
a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre Z181. 1k mauve Z182. 5k purple and pink Z183. 6k green and blue-green Z184. 10k sepia and pale olive Z185. 25k lake and pale red-orange Z186. 60k carmine Z187. 75k ultramarine Z188. 100k green and pale green Z189. 250k carmine and pale red-orange Z190. 500k mauve and pale pink Z191. 1000k red-brown, salmon and black Z192. 5000k bluish slate, grey and pale blue Z194. 30000k violet, olive-green and purple Z195. 50000k scarlet, salmon and claret Z196. 100000k green, salmon and black (image from Fantail 19) Z197. 500000k purple, salmon and black (image from Fantail 19) Note: all values now have the value in Burmese only in the lower central panel, giving a unified design for the whole set. |

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
Z211. 100k green and pale orange
Z212. 250k red-brown and pale olive
Z214. 1000k green and pale green
2012 (first reported). As previous issue but inscription again changed to Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Whole sheet measures 209 x 329mm (5k to 25k) or 220 x 309mm (100k and above). Mottled paper with faint or no wmk (5k, 6k), or wmk Multiple solid stars (others). a) Inscribed Revenue Stamp in centre Z232. 5k purple and pink Z233. 6k green and blue-green Z234. 10k sepia and pale olive Z235. 25k lake and pale red-orange Z237. 100k scarlet and pale red-orange Z238. 200k violet and mauve Z239. 250k brown and yellow-brown Z240. 300k bright blue and pale blue Z241. 400k red-orange and mauve Z243. 600k claret and mauve Z244. 1000k deep blue and olive-grey Z245. 2000k bright green and chestnut Z246. 2500k blue and olive-grey Z247. 3000k sepia, blue-green & mauve Z248. 4000k lake, mauve and red-orange Z249. 5000k carmine, chestnut and olive Z250. 8000k red-orange, olive and mauve Z251. 10000k red-brown, indigo and grey Z252. 20000k scarlet, grey and brown Z253. 25000k magenta, pale blue and grey |

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
Z262. 200k purple and red-orange
Z264. 500k brown and yellow-brown

b) Inscribed Court Fee Stamp in centre
Z291. 100k blue and light blue
Z292. 200k violet and orange
Z299. 3000k light new blue and brown
Note: the watermarked letters SPW on Z282/4 stand for Security Printing Works.
Japanese Occupation of Burma stamp paper

1942-45. Arms, crossed swords, chinthes and banners. Lower central inscription in angular lettering (25r) or rounded (others). Various watermarks.
a) No watermark
ZJ1. 50c violet
b) Wmk GOVERNMENT OF BURMA and peacock in circle
ZJ11. 1r deep green
ZJ12. 2r brown
ZJ13. 5r purple-brown
[ZJ14. 5r bottle-green]
ZJ15. 10r bottle-green
ZJ16. 10r dull mauve

c) Wmk Britannia in crowned oval
ZJ21. 10r bottle-green
[ZJ22. 25r green]
d) Wmk Titaghur Superfine in script letters
ZJ31. 5r purple-brown
ZJ32. 25r violet
ZJ41. 50r orange
ZJ42. 100r deep brown
ZJ43. 200r reddish purple
Note: ZJ14 is listed by Davis & Meech and ZJ22 is listed by Bennett (Fantail 4) but I have not seen either of these.

1942-45. Court Fee papers. Similar design to Jap Occ Court Fee adhesives (J1ff) but larger. Wmk GOVERNMENT OF BURMA and peacock in circle (10r) or HAMMERMILL LEDGER / MADE IN U.S.A. (50r).
ZJ51. 10r scarlet
ZJ52. 50r blue
Note: The watermark of the 50r is described by Bennett & Case (Fantail 5) but I have not examined this myself.