Libya: Kingdom regional issues (1951-1969)
An illustrated key to Libyan revenues since 1943 can be found here
Chapter overview
The revenue stamps of Libya since independence are difficult to get to grips with, for a number of reasons. Most significant among these is the fact that the inscriptions on the stamps often give little clue as to the purpose for which they were issued. Also different sets sometimes seem to have been used concurrently, making it hard to determine with certainty in what sequence they were issued.
The sequence of issues in the Libya section of this website is therefore subject to revision as more information becomes available.
Chapter overview
- Tripolitania Mosque and palm tree (catalogue numbers prefixed T)
- Tripoli municipal (catalogue numbers prefixed M)
- Cyrenaica (catalogue numbers prefixed C)
- Cyrenaica stamp paper (catalogue numbers prefixed P)
- Fezzan (catalogue numbers prefixed F)
The revenue stamps of Libya since independence are difficult to get to grips with, for a number of reasons. Most significant among these is the fact that the inscriptions on the stamps often give little clue as to the purpose for which they were issued. Also different sets sometimes seem to have been used concurrently, making it hard to determine with certainty in what sequence they were issued.
The sequence of issues in the Libya section of this website is therefore subject to revision as more information becomes available.
Tripolitania Mosque and palm tree
1952 (recorded usage January to May). Key type featuring Tajura Mosque, east Tripoli. Inscribed REVENUE in English and Tax Department of Tripolitania at foot in Arabic. 24½ x 30 mm. Perf 11½ (line). No watermark. Currency in MAL (=Military Administration Lire). Figures of value in black.
T51. 1l indigo
T52. 3l brown
T53. 4l deep brown
T54. 5l orange
T55. 6l orange-red
T56. 8l bright purple
T57. 10l carmine-lake
T58. 12l yellow
T59. 20l bright green
T60. 25l green
T61. 30l greyish violet
T62. 40l violet
T63. 60l blue
T64. 100l ultramarine
T65. 200l chocolate
1. The Military Administration Lira was in use for only a few months after Libyan independence, from 24 December 1951 until early in 1952. This issue therefore probably saw quite brief usage.
2. Recorded usage:
T51. 1l indigo
T52. 3l brown
T53. 4l deep brown
T54. 5l orange
T55. 6l orange-red
T56. 8l bright purple
T57. 10l carmine-lake
T58. 12l yellow
T59. 20l bright green
T60. 25l green
T61. 30l greyish violet
T62. 40l violet
T63. 60l blue
T64. 100l ultramarine
T65. 200l chocolate
1. The Military Administration Lira was in use for only a few months after Libyan independence, from 24 December 1951 until early in 1952. This issue therefore probably saw quite brief usage.
2. Recorded usage:
- T54 - 9/1/52 to 5/3/52
- T55 - 17/5/52
- T56 - 31/3/52
- T57 - 29/1/52
- T59 - 5/3/52
- T60 - 29/1/52 to 3/3/52
- T61 - 2/2/52
- T62 - 9/1/52

1952-57 (recorded usage). As previous issue but currency in MILS. Figures of value in black as before. Sheets of 50 (5 rows of 10).
T71. 1m grey
T72. 2m blue
a. Figure of value omitted at left
T73. 5m brown
T74. 10m red-orange
a. Figures of value printed (inverted) at top of stamp
T75. 15m bright purple
T76. 20m carmine-lake
T77. 25m orange-yellow
T78. 30m deep chocolate
T79. 40m green
T80. 50m blue-green
T81. 100m indigo
T82. 250m deep violet
T83. 500m blue
T84. 1000m carmine
1. Shades of most values are known, the most distinctive being found on the 2m, 5m, 10m, 40m, 50m and 100m.
2. Recorded usage:
T71. 1m grey
T72. 2m blue
a. Figure of value omitted at left
T73. 5m brown
T74. 10m red-orange
a. Figures of value printed (inverted) at top of stamp
T75. 15m bright purple
T76. 20m carmine-lake
T77. 25m orange-yellow
T78. 30m deep chocolate
T79. 40m green
T80. 50m blue-green
T81. 100m indigo
T82. 250m deep violet
T83. 500m blue
T84. 1000m carmine
1. Shades of most values are known, the most distinctive being found on the 2m, 5m, 10m, 40m, 50m and 100m.
2. Recorded usage:
- T71 - 6/4/54 to 7/7/56
- T72 - 10/1/53 to 23/3/57
- T73 - 28/9/53 to 15/11/57
- T74 - 12/12/53 to 15/9/55
- T75 - 7/7/56
- T76 - 6/4/54 to 1/8/55
- T77 - 5/52 to 2/4/55
- T78 - 1955
- T79 - 10/1/53 to 8/7/56
- T80 - 10/1/53 to 23/3/57
- T81 - 25/9/52 to 2/4/55
- T82 - 5/8/52
- T83 - 25/9/52
1959-66 (recorded usage). As previous issue but figures of value in same colour as rest of design. The 1000m exists in two different types. No watermark. Perf 11½.
T91. 1m grey
T92. 2m blue
T93. 5m deep brown
T94. 10m red-orange
T95. 15m claret
T96. 20m red
T97. 25m orange-yellow
T98. 30m deep chocolate
T99. 40m yellow-green
T100. 50m blue-green
T101. 100m indigo
T102. 250m deep violet
T103. 500m blue
T104. 1000m carmine (MILS in capitals)
T105. 1000m carmine (Mils in mixed case)
Shades can be found of most values.
Recorded usage:
For similar stamps but without REVENUE in English, and with a different Arabic inscription at foot, see Kingdom federal issues #61ff.
T91. 1m grey
T92. 2m blue
T93. 5m deep brown
T94. 10m red-orange
T95. 15m claret
T96. 20m red
T97. 25m orange-yellow
T98. 30m deep chocolate
T99. 40m yellow-green
T100. 50m blue-green
T101. 100m indigo
T102. 250m deep violet
T103. 500m blue
T104. 1000m carmine (MILS in capitals)
T105. 1000m carmine (Mils in mixed case)
Shades can be found of most values.
Recorded usage:
- T91 - 19/10/59 to 19/3/64
- T92 - 18/2/60 to 10/6/62
- T94 - 27/7/59
- T96 - 19/10/59 to 19/3/64
- T97 - 5/12/59 to 14/2/65
- T99 - 1/12/59 to 6/1/66
- T100 - 1/12/59 to 10/6/62
- T101 - 5/12/59 to 4/1/64
For similar stamps but without REVENUE in English, and with a different Arabic inscription at foot, see Kingdom federal issues #61ff.
1957-59 (recorded usage). As previous issue but roulette 13½.
T111. 1m grey
T112. 2m blue
a. Ultramarine
T113. 5m orange-brown
T114. 10m orange
T115. 15m bright purple
T116. 20m carmine-lake
T117. 25m yellow
T118. 30m brown
T119. 40m yellow-green
T120. 50m blue-green
T121. 100m grey-blue
T122. 250m deep violet
T123. 500m blue
Recorded usage:
T111. 1m grey
T112. 2m blue
a. Ultramarine
T113. 5m orange-brown
T114. 10m orange
T115. 15m bright purple
T116. 20m carmine-lake
T117. 25m yellow
T118. 30m brown
T119. 40m yellow-green
T120. 50m blue-green
T121. 100m grey-blue
T122. 250m deep violet
T123. 500m blue
Recorded usage:
- T111 - 23/7/58 to 27/7/59
- T112 - 3/12/57 to 8/12/59
- T113 - 15/3/58
- T115 - 20/7/58 to 27/7/59
- T116 - 23/7/58 to 8/10/58
- T117 - 20/7/58 to 4/12/58
- T119 - 3/12/57 to 8/12/59
- T120 - 15/11/57 to 8/12/59
- T121 - 20/7/58 to 4/12/58
Tripoli municipal

1954-61 (recorded usage). Al-saraya al-hamra (Red Castle), Tripoli. Inscribed MUNICIPAL REVENUE in English and Municipal Revenue Tripolitania at top in Arabic. Perf 11½. No watermark.
a) Figures of value in black, small figures at left (recorded usage 1953-69)
M41. 5m brown
M42. 10m red-orange
M43. 50m bright purple
M44. 100m carmine
M45. 200m deep brown
M46. 500m green
M47. 1000m brownish yellow
Recorded usage:
a) Figures of value in black, small figures at left (recorded usage 1953-69)
M41. 5m brown
M42. 10m red-orange
M43. 50m bright purple
M44. 100m carmine
M45. 200m deep brown
M46. 500m green
M47. 1000m brownish yellow
Recorded usage:
- M41 - 10/1/53 to 5/2/62
- M42 - 25/2/59 to 1/61
- M43 - 10/1/53 to 6/12/59
- M44 - 10/1/53 to 25/2/59
- M45 - 30/6/53 to 6/12/59
- M46 - 17/4/61? to 1962
- M47 - 19/2/67 to 12/2/69
b) Figures of value in black, large figures at left (recorded usage 1961-69)
M51. 5m brown
M52. 10m red-orange
M53. 50m bright purple
M54. 100m lake
M55. 200m deep brown
M56. 500m green
Recorded usage:
M51. 5m brown
M52. 10m red-orange
M53. 50m bright purple
M54. 100m lake
M55. 200m deep brown
M56. 500m green
Recorded usage:
- M52 - 5/2/62
- M53 - 1/61 to 5/2/62
- M55 - 1/61 to 5/2/62
- M56 - 14/9/64 to 30/7/69
c) Figures of value in same colour as rest of design (recorded usage 1963-71)
M61. 5m brown
M62. 10m red-orange
M63. 50m bright purple
M64. 100m carmine
M65. 200m deep brown
M66. 500m green
Recorded usage:
M61. 5m brown
M62. 10m red-orange
M63. 50m bright purple
M64. 100m carmine
M65. 200m deep brown
M66. 500m green
Recorded usage:
- M61 - 11/1/67 to 10/1/70
- M62 - 11/1/67 to 17/1/71
- M63 - 2/12/63 to 17/1/71
- M64 - 30/1/69 to 6/4/69
- M65 - 11/1/67 to 17/1/71
- M66 - 19/2/67 to 12/2/69

Arabic overprint (enlarged)
c1952. 1952 Tajura Mosque issue of Tripolitania overprinted Burqah (=Cyrenaica) diagonally in Arabic.
C13. 5m brown
C14. 10m orange
C16. 20m carmine-lake
C20. 50m blue-green
C21. 100m indigo (red overprint)
Barefoot does not list these stamps, but he does list the following thirteen stamps with this overprint but denominated in MAL, none of which I have seen: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 25, 30, 40, 60, 100, 200 MAL.
C13. 5m brown
C14. 10m orange
C16. 20m carmine-lake
C20. 50m blue-green
C21. 100m indigo (red overprint)
Barefoot does not list these stamps, but he does list the following thirteen stamps with this overprint but denominated in MAL, none of which I have seen: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 25, 30, 40, 60, 100, 200 MAL.
Note: the dates of issue for the next two sets are derived from the material in the Davies collection of Libya Revenues ex the Bradbury Wilkinson archive, which is housed in the British Library. Dates and requisition numbers of individual printings are footnoted below each set listing, though print quantities are not known at present since the Davies material does not record them.
Stamps which are known from the Davies collection but have not been seen as issued stamps are listed in square brackets.
1955-57. New type showing the Atiq Mosque in Benghazi, inscribed Government of Cyrenaica at top and Department of Revenues at foot in Arabic. 27 x 32 mm. Perf 11½. No watermark. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson.
[C41. 1m green]
C42. 2m violet
C43. 5m blue
C44. 10m orange
C45. 20m grey-black
C46. 50m brown
C47. 100m purple
[C48. 250m deep green]
[C49. 500m carmine-lake]
Individual printings:
Req 0/101807 (24 May 1955): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/106449 (22 Feb 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/107102 (4 May 1956): 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
Req 0/112038 (11 Mar 1957): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
[C41. 1m green]
C42. 2m violet
C43. 5m blue
C44. 10m orange
C45. 20m grey-black
C46. 50m brown
C47. 100m purple
[C48. 250m deep green]
[C49. 500m carmine-lake]
Individual printings:
Req 0/101807 (24 May 1955): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/106449 (22 Feb 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/107102 (4 May 1956): 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
Req 0/112038 (11 Mar 1957): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
1955-63. Similar to previous issue but featuring the old Town Hall of Benghazi in central vignette. Inscribed Government of Cyrenaica at top and Department of Revenues at foot in Arabic. Perf 11½. No watermark. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson.
[C51. 1m green]
[C52. 2m violet]
C53. 5m blue
C54. 10m orange
C55. 20m grey-black
C56. 50m brown
C57. 100m purple
[C58. 250m deep green]
[C59. 500m carmine-lake]
For similar type but with altered Arabic inscriptions, see Kingdom federal issues #81ff.
Individual printings:
Req 0/101807 (24 May 1955): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/106449 (22 Feb 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/107102 (4 May 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m , 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/117873 (10 Apr 1958): 10m, 20m
Req 0/123027 (20 Feb 1959): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
Req 0/128556 (8 Feb 1960): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/131693 (13 Oct 1960): 5m, 10m, 20m, 100m
Req 0/133224 (6 Jun 1961): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m
Req 0/135223 (9 Mar 1962): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 500m
Req 0/137037 (17 Dec 1962): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
The inscriptions on this and the previous issue are identical, with no indication as to how they were used. However the fact that they were issued simultaneously may suggest that they did in fact serve different revenue purposes. The design of a town hall building on C51/59 might indicate that these stamps were used for a municipal tax.
I am very grateful to Peter Bradford for identifying the buildings illustrated on these stamps and other issues of Libya.
[C51. 1m green]
[C52. 2m violet]
C53. 5m blue
C54. 10m orange
C55. 20m grey-black
C56. 50m brown
C57. 100m purple
[C58. 250m deep green]
[C59. 500m carmine-lake]
For similar type but with altered Arabic inscriptions, see Kingdom federal issues #81ff.
Individual printings:
Req 0/101807 (24 May 1955): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/106449 (22 Feb 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/107102 (4 May 1956): 1m, 2m, 5m , 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/117873 (10 Apr 1958): 10m, 20m
Req 0/123027 (20 Feb 1959): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m
Req 0/128556 (8 Feb 1960): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
Req 0/131693 (13 Oct 1960): 5m, 10m, 20m, 100m
Req 0/133224 (6 Jun 1961): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m
Req 0/135223 (9 Mar 1962): 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 500m
Req 0/137037 (17 Dec 1962): 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m, 250m, 500m
The inscriptions on this and the previous issue are identical, with no indication as to how they were used. However the fact that they were issued simultaneously may suggest that they did in fact serve different revenue purposes. The design of a town hall building on C51/59 might indicate that these stamps were used for a municipal tax.
I am very grateful to Peter Bradford for identifying the buildings illustrated on these stamps and other issues of Libya.
Cyrenaica stamp paper
c1955. Atiq Mosque type similar to C41 etc but printed directly onto lined paper for documentary use. Inscribed Government of Cyrenaica at top and Department of Revenues at foot in Arabic. 27 x 32 mm. Presumed printed by Bradbury Wilkinson.

P1 and P2
P1. 20m grey-black
P2. 50m brown
The illustration below shows the top portion of a complete paper bearing an impression of P2.
1950s? Desert scene with camel rider, 38½ x 18½ mm. Perf 11½. No watermark.
a) Inscribed LIBYA (reading downwards left of centre) ADM. OF FEZZAN / REV. STAMP in both English and Arabic
F1. 1m green
F2. 5m blue
b) Inscribed Kingdom of Libya Taxes and Fees in Arabic only
F7. 5m slate-blue
F8. 10m carmine
1. Duston lists a 10m red as F1/2 (though this may be an error for my F8) and a 50m lilac-brown, which I have not seen.
2. The inscription on F7/8 implies that these stamps were valid for use throughout Libya but I list them with Fezzan due to their similarity to the regional issues.
a) Inscribed LIBYA (reading downwards left of centre) ADM. OF FEZZAN / REV. STAMP in both English and Arabic
F1. 1m green
F2. 5m blue
b) Inscribed Kingdom of Libya Taxes and Fees in Arabic only
F7. 5m slate-blue
F8. 10m carmine
1. Duston lists a 10m red as F1/2 (though this may be an error for my F8) and a 50m lilac-brown, which I have not seen.
2. The inscription on F7/8 implies that these stamps were valid for use throughout Libya but I list them with Fezzan due to their similarity to the regional issues.
1950s? Inscribed FEZZAN Impot du Timbre.
F11. 100m dark blue on light blue
F11. 100m dark blue on light blue
Note: an illustrated key to Libyan revenues since 1943 can be found here