Chapter overview
- Coffee Industry Board (catalogue numbers prefixed B)
- Judicial (catalogue numbers prefixed J)
- Labels (catalogue numbers prefixed L)
- Revenue stamps excluding adhesive embossed (catalogue numbers prefixed R)
- Revenue usage of Postage stamps (catalogue numbers prefixed F)
- Social Security (catalogue numbers prefixed S)
- Telegraph (catalogue numbers prefixed T)
Impressed / embossed revenues:
- Adhesive embossed (catalogue numbers prefixed Y)
- Direct embossed (catalogue numbers prefixed Z)
A page of supplementary information relating to the impressed / embossed revenue stamps of Jamaica can be found here.
Andrew McClellan and Norm Seidelman with Steve Jarvis, 'The Impressed Adhesive Revenue Stamps of Jamaica', The Revenue Journal, vol XVIII 3 and 4 (December 2007 and March 2008)
Grateful thanks to Nick Halewood and Iain Craven for scans and information about the QE2 Judicials of Jamaica, to Paul Wright for expertise on the impressed issues and much else, to George James for Z1, and to Michael Florer of the USA for adding to my scan library of Jamaica Coffee Industry Board. The $20 and $50 Social Security stamps with elliptical perforation (S21/22) were kindly brought to my attention by Steven Zirinsky, whose website can be found here.
See also general acknowledgments on the main West Indies page.
For stamps listed elsewhere under Customs, see under Revenue.
For stamps inscribed National Insurance, see under Social Security.
- (Until 1969) 20 shillings = 1 pound sterling (12 pence = 1 shilling)
- (1969-present) 100 cents = 1 Jamaican dollar
Coffee Industry Board
The following stamps were used to acknowledge the payment of cess (levy) on coffee products. They were issued by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica, which was established in June 1950 to rehabilitate and expand the coffee industry.
The following stamps were used to acknowledge the payment of cess (levy) on coffee products. They were issued by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica, which was established in June 1950 to rehabilitate and expand the coffee industry.
1950s. Inscribed Coffee Industry Board Cess Paid / 1lb Roasted Coffee. Mesh background. 2d perf 11½ all round; 4d perf 10½ with one or two sides imperf. No watermark.
B1. 2d orange-yellow
B2. 4d orange
Additionally inscribed with a pair of dates to indicate the period of validity:
B3. 4d rose-pink (1957-1958)
B4. 4d deep ultramarine (1958-1959)
B1. 2d orange-yellow
B2. 4d orange
Additionally inscribed with a pair of dates to indicate the period of validity:
B3. 4d rose-pink (1957-1958)
B4. 4d deep ultramarine (1958-1959)
?1970s. Decimal currency issue. Line-drawings of a cup (2c) and coffee beans. Same wording on 2c as B1/4 (without dates), 4c similar but inscribed 1lb Instant Coffee. Roulette 4½ (2c) or imperf (4c). No watermark.
B11. 2c bright green
B12. 4c scarlet
B11. 2c bright green
B12. 4c scarlet
Note: the stamps listed as Customs stamps by Morley, Forbin and Barefoot are listed here under Revenue.
Printers: all issues to 1969 were printed (typo) by De La Rue, London
Printers: all issues to 1969 were printed (typo) by De La Rue, London
1898 (according to Morley). Queen Victoria types as F16ff, overprinted JUDICIAL in bold sans-serif capitals 16 x 2½ mm. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA.

J3a enlarged to show variety
J1. 3d sage-green
J2. 6d deep yellow
J3. 1s brown
a. $ for S in SHILLING
J4. 2s Venetian red
J5. 5s lilac
Note: J3a occurs on R2/2, UL pane.
Earliest recorded usage for this issue: 1899 (J4).
J2. 6d deep yellow
J3. 1s brown
a. $ for S in SHILLING
J4. 2s Venetian red
J5. 5s lilac
Note: J3a occurs on R2/2, UL pane.
Earliest recorded usage for this issue: 1899 (J4).

Illustrated here is a 2d value which appears to bear four or more examples of a Judicial handstamp. It is clearly a fantasy manufactured from a postally used example of the common 2d stamp.

1908 (according to Forbin). Same overprint on Arms (5s) or Queen types (others) as before but changed to wmk Multiple Crown CA. Perf 14.
J11. 3d olive-green
J12. 6d dull orange
J13. 1s brown
J14. 2s Venetian red
a. Wmk inverted
J15. 2s purple on blue
J16. 5s grey and violet
Note: the variety $ for S in SHILLING should exist on MCA watermark as well as Crown CA (see J3a above), but I have not seen an example as yet.
J11. 3d olive-green
J12. 6d dull orange
J13. 1s brown
J14. 2s Venetian red
a. Wmk inverted
J15. 2s purple on blue
J16. 5s grey and violet
Note: the variety $ for S in SHILLING should exist on MCA watermark as well as Crown CA (see J3a above), but I have not seen an example as yet.
1913 (according to Barefoot). Same overprint on King George V key type issue of 1912-20. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA.
J21. 3d purple on yellow
J22. 6d dull and bright purple
J23. 1s black on green
J24. 2s purple and bright blue on blue
J25. 5s green and red on yellow
J26. 8s6d green and dull purple
J27. 10s green and red on green
J28. £1 purple and black on red
Note: the values above 5s were not issued without Judicial overprint.
J21. 3d purple on yellow
J22. 6d dull and bright purple
J23. 1s black on green
J24. 2s purple and bright blue on blue
J25. 5s green and red on yellow
J26. 8s6d green and dull purple
J27. 10s green and red on green
J28. £1 purple and black on red
Note: the values above 5s were not issued without Judicial overprint.
1921 (according to Barefoot). As previous issue but changed to wmk Multiple Script CA.
J32. 6d dull and bright purple
J33. 1s black on green
J34. 2s purple and bright blue on blue
Note: although the Requisition Books do not specify the watermark, it seems likely that all the printings from July 1922 onwards (see list below) were on Script CA paper, which was introduced in 1922. It is worth noting that all values from 3d to 8s6d were reprinted during this period, so it should be possible to find examples of these on Script paper (as listed by Barefoot), though I have not yet seen the 3d, 5s and 8s6d. The 10s and £1 values were not reprinted in 1922 or later, and will only exist with MCA watermark. I have seen an example of the 10s MCA used in 1939, which would seem to confirm that the MCA printings of this value were still being used up at the beginning of the reign of King George VI.
Note: all Judicial issues from J41 onwards were produced by overprinting specially printed sheets of stamps inscribed Postage and Revenue. None of the stamps bearing the portraits of King George VI or Queen Elizabeth II was issued without Judicial overprint.
J32. 6d dull and bright purple
J33. 1s black on green
J34. 2s purple and bright blue on blue
Note: although the Requisition Books do not specify the watermark, it seems likely that all the printings from July 1922 onwards (see list below) were on Script CA paper, which was introduced in 1922. It is worth noting that all values from 3d to 8s6d were reprinted during this period, so it should be possible to find examples of these on Script paper (as listed by Barefoot), though I have not yet seen the 3d, 5s and 8s6d. The 10s and £1 values were not reprinted in 1922 or later, and will only exist with MCA watermark. I have seen an example of the 10s MCA used in 1939, which would seem to confirm that the MCA printings of this value were still being used up at the beginning of the reign of King George VI.
- Req 4050 (sent to Jamaica 13th July 1922): 6d, 1s, 2s
- Req 4316 (sent to Jamaica 10th August to 10th September 1923): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 4535 (sent to Jamaica 7th May to 6th October 1924): 1s, 2s
- Req 4832 (sent to Jamaica 3rd July 1925): 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s
- Req 5136 (sent to Jamaica 7th October 1926): 6d, 1s, 2s, 8s6d
- Req 5448 (sent to Jamaica 3rd June to 2nd September 1927): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 5833 (sent to Jamaica 1st August 1928): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 6176 (sent to Jamaica 19th July 1929): 6d, 2s, 5s
- Req 6552 (sent to Jamaica 23rd June to 28th July 1930): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 6998 (sent to Jamaica 27th July 1931): 2s
- Req 7369/1 (sent to Jamaica 29th July 1932): 1s, 2s
- Req 7746/1 (sent to Jamaica 24th July to 4th August 1933): 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 8150/1 (sent to Jamaica 16th July 1934): 2s
- Req 8663/1 (sent to Jamaica 23rd August 1935): 1s, 2s, 5s
- Req 9128/2 (sent to Jamaica 4th September 1936): 6d, 1s, 2s
- Req 127/1 (sent to Jamaica 2nd February 1938): 1s, 2s, 8s6d
Note: all Judicial issues from J41 onwards were produced by overprinting specially printed sheets of stamps inscribed Postage and Revenue. None of the stamps bearing the portraits of King George VI or Queen Elizabeth II was issued without Judicial overprint.
1938-44. Portrait changed to King George VI, with same overprint as before. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA (£1) or Multiple Script CA (others).
J41. 3d purple on yellow
J42. 6d dull and bright purple
J43. 1s black on green
J44. 2s purple and blue on blue
J45. 4s black and carmine (1944)
J46. 5s green and red on yellow
J47. 6s6d orange and green (1944)
J48. 8s6d green and dull purple
J49. 10s green and red on green
J50. £1 purple and black on red
J41. 3d purple on yellow
J42. 6d dull and bright purple
J43. 1s black on green
J44. 2s purple and blue on blue
J45. 4s black and carmine (1944)
J46. 5s green and red on yellow
J47. 6s6d orange and green (1944)
J48. 8s6d green and dull purple
J49. 10s green and red on green
J50. £1 purple and black on red
- Req 9968/4 (sent to Jamaica 1st April to 26th May 1938): 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 378/2 (sent to Jamaica 30th September to 2nd November 1938): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 10s, £1
- Req 924/4 (sent to Jamaica 10th August 1939): 1s, 2s, 5s
- Req 1363/2 (sent to Jamaica 13th August 1940): 1s, 2s - These stamps were carried aboard the SS Empire Merchant, which on 16th August 1940 was sunk by a German U-boat 186 miles west of Ireland whilst en route to Jamaica
- Req 1363/4 (sent to Jamaica 14th November 1940): 1s, 2s - This entry in the Req Book is annotated 'Replacement of stamps lost in SS "Empire Merchant"'
- Req 1638/1 (sent to Jamaica 29th July to 9th December 1941): 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 1819/4 (sent to Jamaica 26th March 1942): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s
- Req 2023/1 (sent to Jamaica 22nd April to 26th May 1943): 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 8s6d
- Req 2261/1 (sent to Jamaica 5th to 17th October 1944): 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d, 10s - This was the first printing of the 4s and 6s6d values
- Req 2451/3 (sent to Jamaica 7th September 1945): 1s, 5s, 8s6d, £1
- Req 2734/1 (sent to Jamaica 8th December 1946): 2s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d
- Req 2978/1 (sent to Jamaica 20th June 1947): 2s, 4s
- Req 3319/1 (sent to Jamaica 28th September 1948): 1s, 2s, 4s
- Req 2978/1 (sent to Jamaica 14th September 1949): 6d, 1s, 2s, 10s
- Req 4145/1 (sent to Jamaica 15th August 1950): 6d, 1s, 2s, 6s6d
- Req 4671/1 (sent to Jamaica 2nd November 1951): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s
1952. As previous issue but printed on white paper, the 1s and 10s in new colours, and overprint in slightly taller letters (16 x 3 mm). Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
J51. 1s black and green
J52. 2s purple and ultramarine
J53. 5s green and scarlet
J54. 10s black and brown
There was only one printing:
J51. 1s black and green
J52. 2s purple and ultramarine
J53. 5s green and scarlet
J54. 10s black and brown
There was only one printing:
- Req 5123/1 (sent to Jamaica 19th September 1952): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d, 10s
- annotated in the Requisition Book "NEW on white paper (1s, 2s, 5s, 10s)"
1953. Portrait changed to Queen Elizabeth II. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
J62. 6d dull purple and magenta
J63. 1s black and green
J64. 2s purple and blue
J65. 4s black and carmine
J66. 5s green and red
J67. 6s6d orange and green
J68. 8s6d green and dull purple
J69. 10s black and brown
J70. £1 purple and black
Note: according to the Requisition Books (see list of printings below), a 3d value was included in the first printing of this issue, but I have not seen an issued example. A proof of this value in brown-purple on white paper exists in the Crown Agents archive.
Note: the final printings listed above may have been on Block CA paper (the Requisition books do not generally specify watermark), in which case they belong with J71/76 below.
J62. 6d dull purple and magenta
J63. 1s black and green
J64. 2s purple and blue
J65. 4s black and carmine
J66. 5s green and red
J67. 6s6d orange and green
J68. 8s6d green and dull purple
J69. 10s black and brown
J70. £1 purple and black
Note: according to the Requisition Books (see list of printings below), a 3d value was included in the first printing of this issue, but I have not seen an issued example. A proof of this value in brown-purple on white paper exists in the Crown Agents archive.
- Req 5755/1 (sent to Jamaica 9th April 1954): 3d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 6272/1 (sent to Jamaica 22nd April 1955): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d, £1
- Req 6691/1 (sent to Jamaica 11th November 1955): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d
- Req 7915/1 (sent to Jamaica 29th October 1957 to 7th January 1958): 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 9029/1 (sent to Jamaica 20th April 1959): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 8s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 137/1 (sent to Jamaica 26th April 1961): 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 567/1 (sent to Jamaica 24th January 1962): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 1709/2 (sent to Jamaica 27th November 1963): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s, £1
- Req 4/85140/1 (sent to Jamaica 2nd June to 2nd July 1965): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 6s6d, 10s, £1
Note: the final printings listed above may have been on Block CA paper (the Requisition books do not generally specify watermark), in which case they belong with J71/76 below.
1966. As previous issue but watermark changed to Multiple St Edward's Crown and Block CA. Perf 14. 18½ x 22 mm. Printed in sheets of 120 (two panes, 10 rows of 6).
J71. 6d dull and bright purple
J72. 1s black and green
J73. 2s purple and blue
J74. 4s black and carmine
J76. 8s6d green and dull purple
J77. 10s black and brown
1. Based on the printing records, the 5s and £1 should also exist with the Block CA watermark, though I have not seen these. The final printings listed under J62/70 may also belong here (the Requisition books do not specify watermark), in which case the 6s6d should also exist for this set. Barefoot lists the 5s and 6s6d.
2. Barefoot also lists stamps in this watermark and perf 13, which may be an error for perf 14 or may refer to my J87/90.
J71. 6d dull and bright purple
J72. 1s black and green
J73. 2s purple and blue
J74. 4s black and carmine
J76. 8s6d green and dull purple
J77. 10s black and brown
- Req 6/28232/1 (sent to Jamaica 18th November 1966): 6d, 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s, 8s6d, 10s, £1
1. Based on the printing records, the 5s and £1 should also exist with the Block CA watermark, though I have not seen these. The final printings listed under J62/70 may also belong here (the Requisition books do not specify watermark), in which case the 6s6d should also exist for this set. Barefoot lists the 5s and 6s6d.
2. Barefoot also lists stamps in this watermark and perf 13, which may be an error for perf 14 or may refer to my J87/90.
1969. Queen Elizabeth II key type in reduced design (17½ x 21 mm) with wider margins and a new type of overprint (14½ x 3 mm). Change to perf 13. Wmk Multiple St Edward's Crown and Block CA. Printed (probably litho) by De La Rue / Waddington (see note 2).
J87. 6s6d orange and bright green
J89. 10s black and bistre-brown
J90. £1 claret and black
1. These stamps are believed to emanate from the final Crown Agents requisition for pre-decimal stamps - Req 8/27087/1. Only these three values were printed in this reduced format before the conversion to decimal currency.
2. According to Crown Agents records, the order for these stamps was placed with De La Rue, but their small format and litho-printed appearance suggests that the printing (along with that of J91/99) was in fact carried out by John Waddington Ltd of Leeds, the company which bought part of De La Rue's business in 1969.
There was only one printing:
J87. 6s6d orange and bright green
J89. 10s black and bistre-brown
J90. £1 claret and black
1. These stamps are believed to emanate from the final Crown Agents requisition for pre-decimal stamps - Req 8/27087/1. Only these three values were printed in this reduced format before the conversion to decimal currency.
2. According to Crown Agents records, the order for these stamps was placed with De La Rue, but their small format and litho-printed appearance suggests that the printing (along with that of J91/99) was in fact carried out by John Waddington Ltd of Leeds, the company which bought part of De La Rue's business in 1969.
There was only one printing:
- Req 8/27087/1 (sent to Jamaica 5th April 1969): 6s6d, 10s, £1
Note: all Judicial issues from J91 onwards are in the reduced size of 17½ x 21 mm with overprint measuring 14½ x 3 mm.
1969. Change to decimal currency. Perf 13. Wmk Multiple letter J and pineapple (sideways), very faint. Printed by De La Rue / Waddington (see note 2 below J87/90).
J91. 5c dull and bright purple
J92. 10c black and bright green
J93. 20c claret and blue
J94. 40c black and scarlet
J95. 50c yellow-green and scarlet
J96. 65c orange and bright green
J97. 85c blue-green and dull purple
J98. $1 black and yellow-brown
J99. $2 claret and black
1. The first printing was approved on 16th April 1969 and presumably issued later that year.
2. The watermark has the tail of the letter J to the right on the 5c to 40c and the tail to the left on the 50c to $2.
3. Frame plate 1A and head plate 2A are recorded for all values.
J91. 5c dull and bright purple
J92. 10c black and bright green
J93. 20c claret and blue
J94. 40c black and scarlet
J95. 50c yellow-green and scarlet
J96. 65c orange and bright green
J97. 85c blue-green and dull purple
J98. $1 black and yellow-brown
J99. $2 claret and black
1. The first printing was approved on 16th April 1969 and presumably issued later that year.
2. The watermark has the tail of the letter J to the right on the 5c to 40c and the tail to the left on the 50c to $2.
3. Frame plate 1A and head plate 2A are recorded for all values.
_1975 (earliest recorded usage). Change to perf 12½ x 13 and whiter paper.
J101. 5c dull and bright purple
J102. 10c black and bright green
J103. 20c claret and blue
J104. 40c black and scarlet
J105. 50c green and scarlet
J106. 65c orange and bright green
J107. 85c blue-green and dull purple
J108. $1 black and yellow-brown
J109. $2 claret and black
Note: the earliest recorded usage for this issue is a document dated May 1975, which has the 20c of this set (J103) plus the 10c of the earlier perf 13 set (J92). A similar document bearing the 10c and 20c but both perf 13 is also cancelled in May 1975, which suggests that the new perforation came into use at about this time and not earlier.
J101. 5c dull and bright purple
J102. 10c black and bright green
J103. 20c claret and blue
J104. 40c black and scarlet
J105. 50c green and scarlet
J106. 65c orange and bright green
J107. 85c blue-green and dull purple
J108. $1 black and yellow-brown
J109. $2 claret and black
Note: the earliest recorded usage for this issue is a document dated May 1975, which has the 20c of this set (J103) plus the 10c of the earlier perf 13 set (J92). A similar document bearing the 10c and 20c but both perf 13 is also cancelled in May 1975, which suggests that the new perforation came into use at about this time and not earlier.
1975-76. New printing by Harrison. Change to perf 14 x 14½ and wmk Multiple J and pineapple now upright.
J111. 5c purple-brown and dull claret
J112. 10c black and dull green
J113. 20c claret and blue
J114. 40c black and scarlet (1976)
J115. 50c green and scarlet
J116. 65c yellow-orange and grey-green
J117. 85c dull green and brown-purple (1976)
J118. $1 black and yellow-brown
J119. $2 claret and black
1. The De La Rue / Waddington printings (J91/109) have the letters J and A of the inscription JAMAICA covered by the overprint, whereas Harrison placed the overprint higher on the stamps such the whole of JAMAICA is kept clear.
2. The first printings were approved on 16th July 1975, except the 40c and 85c, which were approved on 4th March 1976.
3. The 5c, 10c, 65c, 85c and $1 values are recorded with inverted watermark as illustrated below. I have verified all of these personally except the 65c.
4. All values to the $1 are known with postal cancels.
J111. 5c purple-brown and dull claret
J112. 10c black and dull green
J113. 20c claret and blue
J114. 40c black and scarlet (1976)
J115. 50c green and scarlet
J116. 65c yellow-orange and grey-green
J117. 85c dull green and brown-purple (1976)
J118. $1 black and yellow-brown
J119. $2 claret and black
1. The De La Rue / Waddington printings (J91/109) have the letters J and A of the inscription JAMAICA covered by the overprint, whereas Harrison placed the overprint higher on the stamps such the whole of JAMAICA is kept clear.
2. The first printings were approved on 16th July 1975, except the 40c and 85c, which were approved on 4th March 1976.
3. The 5c, 10c, 65c, 85c and $1 values are recorded with inverted watermark as illustrated below. I have verified all of these personally except the 65c.
4. All values to the $1 are known with postal cancels.
1915-16. World War I fundraising labels. Biplane and red cross. 19 x 22 mm. Perf 12. No watermark.

a) No overprint
L1. (No value) red
b) Opt JAMAICA in black, 13 x 1½ mm:
L2. (No value) red
L3. ½d red (as L2 but surcharged
Half-penny in black)
L1. (No value) red
b) Opt JAMAICA in black, 13 x 1½ mm:
L2. (No value) red
L3. ½d red (as L2 but surcharged
Half-penny in black)

1940-41. World War II fundraising labels. Red cross, inscribed Jamaica War Fund (L11). Banner and torch, inscribed Help the War Blinded / St Dunstan's / Jamaica B.W.I. (L12). 19 x 22 mm. Perf 12½ (L11) or perf 12 (L12). No watermark.
L11. (No value) red
L12. (No value) black and red
Earliest recorded usage: 4 July 1940 (L11), 27 February 1941 (L12).
L11. (No value) red
L12. (No value) black and red
Earliest recorded usage: 4 July 1940 (L11), 27 February 1941 (L12).

L21/24 in se-tenant block
1963. Anti-Tuberculosis fundraising labels with Cross of Lorraine at top left. Rural scenes. No value indicated. Different inscription on each stamp. Background colour given last.
L21. 'Stamp Out TB' green, black and red
a. Se-tenant with L22/4 in block of 4
L22. 'Wipe Out Tuberculosis' red, green and blue
L23. 'Prevent TB' yellow, black, red and green
L24. 'Fight TB' black, green, red and yellow

L31/34 in se-tenant block
1964. Anti-Tuberculosis fundraising labels with Cross of Lorraine at top left. Domestic scenes - gathering bananas (L31), cooking (L32), harvesting carrots (L33), watering flowers (L34). No value indicated. All stamps printed in black, rose, ochre, grey-blue (except L32) and deep green - inscription at foot in colour listed.
L31. 'Prevent TB' rose
a. Se-tenant with L32/4 in block of 4
L32. 'Fight TB' green
L33. 'Prevent TB' grey-blue
L34. 'Fight TB' black

1965. Anti-Tuberculosis fundraising
labels, inscribed 'Greetings Jamaica Anti-TN League'.
Christmas images. No value indicated.
L41. (Three Wise Men) green, red and blue
L42. (Poinsettia) red and green
L41. (Three Wise Men) green, red and blue
L42. (Poinsettia) red and green
Pensions Authority
A set of stamps in small horizontal format was prepared for the Jamaica Pensions Authority in March 1961. The Crown Agents archive in the British Library includes proofs of twelve different values in the following colours: 1s turquoise-green, 2s slate-blue, 3s bright purple, 4s chocolate, 5s blue, 6s vermilion, 7s brown-purple, 8s pearl-grey, 9s bright green, 10s yellow-orange, 11s dull violet, 12s bistre. The order was cancelled prior to printing.
Revenue stamps
All issues were printed (typo) by De La Rue, London. The following stamps are recorded postally used (being authorised for this in 1887), and are listed in the Stanley Gibbons as postal fiscals. The dates of issue shown below are taken from Gibbons. Adhesive impressed / embossed revenue stamps are listed separately towards the end of this section.
1855-74. Arms of Jamaica. 18 x 22 mm. Glazed paper.
All issues were printed (typo) by De La Rue, London. The following stamps are recorded postally used (being authorised for this in 1887), and are listed in the Stanley Gibbons as postal fiscals. The dates of issue shown below are taken from Gibbons. Adhesive impressed / embossed revenue stamps are listed separately towards the end of this section.
1855-74. Arms of Jamaica. 18 x 22 mm. Glazed paper.
a) Imperf, no watermark (1855)
R1. 1½d blue on blue
R2. 3d purple on blue
Note: Morley lists two different shades of the 1½d (ultramarine and blue), and Gibbons also lists the 3d on lilac paper.
R1. 1½d blue on blue
R2. 3d purple on blue
Note: Morley lists two different shades of the 1½d (ultramarine and blue), and Gibbons also lists the 3d on lilac paper.
b) Perf 14, no watermark (1857)
R11. 1½d blue on blue
R12. 1½d blue on white
R13. 3d purple on blue
R14. 3d purple on white
Note: Morley lists additional shades of both values, and Gibbons also lists the 3d on lilac paper.
R11. 1½d blue on blue
R12. 1½d blue on white
R13. 3d purple on blue
R14. 3d purple on white
Note: Morley lists additional shades of both values, and Gibbons also lists the 3d on lilac paper.

c) Perf 14, watermark Crown CC (1874)
R16. 3d purple on lilac
1858. Queen Victoria and Coat of Arms. 26 x 31 mm. Perf 15½ x 15. No watermark.
R21. 1s rose on bluish
R22. 5s lilac on bluish
R23. 10s green on bluish
Examples of all three values are known overprinted Specimen, as shown below. The 10s is also known (see below right) imperforate with a reversed Crown CA watermark, though all the recorded issued examples are unwatermarked. This may have been a proof or possibly a printer's sample produced after the stamps were discontinued.
R21. 1s rose on bluish
R22. 5s lilac on bluish
R23. 10s green on bluish
Examples of all three values are known overprinted Specimen, as shown below. The 10s is also known (see below right) imperforate with a reversed Crown CA watermark, though all the recorded issued examples are unwatermarked. This may have been a proof or possibly a printer's sample produced after the stamps were discontinued.
1865-73. Portrait of Queen Victoria, inscribed Jamaica Revenue. 18 x 22 mm (wing margin examples 4 mm wider). Perf 14.
a) Wmk Pineapple (1865)
R31. 1d rose
b) Wmk Crown CC (1871)
R33. 1d rose
a. Wmk inverted
c) Wmk CA over Crown, sideways (covering two stamps) (1873)
R35. 1d rose
1. Both Gibbons and Barefoot list a 1d imperf with pineapple watermark, though it is not clear whether this is an error or a separate early printing. Gibbons also lists R35 imperf, which is presumably an error. I have not seen any of these imperf stamps.
2. Morley lists the Crown CC stamp (R33) with wmk sideways. I have not seen this.
a) Wmk Pineapple (1865)
R31. 1d rose
b) Wmk Crown CC (1871)
R33. 1d rose
a. Wmk inverted
c) Wmk CA over Crown, sideways (covering two stamps) (1873)
R35. 1d rose
1. Both Gibbons and Barefoot list a 1d imperf with pineapple watermark, though it is not clear whether this is an error or a separate early printing. Gibbons also lists R35 imperf, which is presumably an error. I have not seen any of these imperf stamps.
2. Morley lists the Crown CC stamp (R33) with wmk sideways. I have not seen this.
Revenue usage of Postage stamps
Note: for ease of reference, numbering follows the Stanley Gibbons Part 1 catalogue throughout this section. Values listed here are those recorded as having been used for revenue purposes.
With the exception of F31 and F89, all stamps from F16 to F89a measure 18 x 22 mm and were printed (typo) by De La Rue.
With the exception of F31 and F89, all stamps from F16 to F89a measure 18 x 22 mm and were printed (typo) by De La Rue.
1883-97. Queen Victoria types, various frames. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA.
F16. ½d yellow-green
a. Green
F17. 1d blue
F18. 1d rose
a. Carmine
F22b. 4d red-brown
F16. ½d yellow-green
a. Green
F17. 1d blue
F18. 1d rose
a. Carmine
F22b. 4d red-brown

1889-91. New key type. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA.
F27. 1d purple and mauve
F28. 2d green

1900-01. Llandovery Falls. 31 x 26 mm. Printed (recess) by De La Rue. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CC (sideways).
F31. 1d red

1903-04. Arms of Jamaica. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA.
F34. 1d grey and carmine
1905-11. Arms types (1d and 5s) or Queen types (3d) as before but changed to wmk Multiple Crown CA. Perf 14.

a) Arms types
F40. 1d carmine
F45. 5s grey and violet
b) Queen Victoria types
F46. 3d olive-green
F40. 1d carmine
F45. 5s grey and violet
b) Queen Victoria types
F46. 3d olive-green
1912-20. King George V key type. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA.
F58. 1d carmine-red
a. Scarlet
F62a. 3d purple on yellow, white back (1913)
F64. 6d dull and bright purple
a. Dull purple and bright magenta
F65. 1s black on green
F66. 2s purple and bright blue on blue (1919)
F67. 5s green and red on yellow (1919)
F58. 1d carmine-red
a. Scarlet
F62a. 3d purple on yellow, white back (1913)
F64. 6d dull and bright purple
a. Dull purple and bright magenta
F65. 1s black on green
F66. 2s purple and bright blue on blue (1919)
F67. 5s green and red on yellow (1919)

1919-20. Arms type overprinted War Stamp in red capitals by De La Rue.
F76. ½d green
1919-20. Arms type overprinted War Stamp in red capitals by De La Rue.
F76. ½d green

_1919-21. King George V, depicted as Supreme Lord of Jamaica. Printed (recess) by De La Rue. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA
F89. 10s myrtle-green (1920)
F89. 10s myrtle-green (1920)

1921-27. King George V key type as before but wmk Multiple Script CA.
F89a. ½d green (1927)
1921-29. Pictorial designs, various sizes. Printed (1d typo, others recess) by De La Rue. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA (sideways on 1d and 1½d).
F92. 1d carmine and orange (1922)
F93. 1½d green
F96. 3d myrtle-green and blue (1922)
F97. 4d brown and deep green
F98. 6d black and blue (1922)
F99. 1s orange and red-orange
a. Orange-yellow and brown-orange
F100. 2s light blue and brown (1922)
F101. 3s violet-blue and orange
Note: the 10s value of this set, formerly listed as F103, has been re-listed as F89 since the only known example was found to be in fact on Multiple Crown CA paper.
F92. 1d carmine and orange (1922)
F93. 1½d green
F96. 3d myrtle-green and blue (1922)
F97. 4d brown and deep green
F98. 6d black and blue (1922)
F99. 1s orange and red-orange
a. Orange-yellow and brown-orange
F100. 2s light blue and brown (1922)
F101. 3s violet-blue and orange
Note: the 10s value of this set, formerly listed as F103, has been re-listed as F89 since the only known example was found to be in fact on Multiple Crown CA paper.

1929-32. New King George V type. Printed (recess) by De La Rue. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F108a. 1d scarlet (die II) (1932)

1932. New pictorial designs. Perf 12½. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F113. 6d grey-black and purple

1935. King George V Silver Jubilee. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson. Perf 11 x 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F117. 1s slate and purple
F117. 1s slate and purple

1937. King George VI Coronation issue. Printed (recess) by De La Rue. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F118. 1d scarlet
F118. 1d scarlet
1938-54. Definitive / pictorial issue, various sizes. Perf 13½ x 14 (½d to 1½d), perf 14 (5s and 10s) - these values printed (recess) by De La Rue. Others printed (recess) by Waterlow, perf 12½. Watermark Multiple Script CA.

F121. ½d blue-green
F121b. ½d orange (1951)
F122. 1d scarlet
F122a. 1d blue-green (1951)
F123. 1½d brown
F124. 2d grey and green
a. Perf 12¾ x 13¾ (1939)
b. Perf 12¾ x 13¼ (1951)
F126. 3d ultramarine and green
F126b. 3d greenish blue and ultramarine (1949)
F127. 4d brown and green
F128. 6d grey and purple
a. Perf 13¾ x 12¾ (1950)
F131. 2s blue and chocolate
F132. 5s slate-blue and yellow-orange
F133. 10s myrtle-green
aa. Perf 13 (1950)
F133a. £1 chocolate and violet (1949)
Note: F124a/b are described in the Gibbons catalogue as perf 13 x 13½ and perf 12½ x 13 respectively, though in my view this is confusing since the horizontal perforation measurement is the same on both stamps. Gibbons describes F128a as perf 13½ x 13.
F121b. ½d orange (1951)
F122. 1d scarlet
F122a. 1d blue-green (1951)
F123. 1½d brown
F124. 2d grey and green
a. Perf 12¾ x 13¾ (1939)
b. Perf 12¾ x 13¼ (1951)
F126. 3d ultramarine and green
F126b. 3d greenish blue and ultramarine (1949)
F127. 4d brown and green
F128. 6d grey and purple
a. Perf 13¾ x 12¾ (1950)
F131. 2s blue and chocolate
F132. 5s slate-blue and yellow-orange
F133. 10s myrtle-green
aa. Perf 13 (1950)
F133a. £1 chocolate and violet (1949)
Note: F124a/b are described in the Gibbons catalogue as perf 13 x 13½ and perf 12½ x 13 respectively, though in my view this is confusing since the horizontal perforation measurement is the same on both stamps. Gibbons describes F128a as perf 13½ x 13.
1945-46. New Constitution. Printed (recess) by Waterlow. Perf 12½ x 13 (2d) or perf 12½ (others). Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F134. 1½d sepia
F135a. 2d green
F136. 3d ultramarine
F134. 1½d sepia
F135a. 2d green
F136. 3d ultramarine

1948. Royal Silver Wedding. Printed (photo) by Waterlow.
Perf 14 x 15. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F143. 1½d red-brown

1951. Inauguration of BWI University College. Printed (recess) by Waterlow. Perf 14 x 14½. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F149. 2d black and red-brown

1952. First Caribbean Scout Jamboree. Printed (litho) by Bradbury Wilkinson. Perf 13½ x 13. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F151. 2d blue, apple-green and black

1956. New pictorials with portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Printed (recess) by De La Rue. Perf 13. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
F160. 1d black and emerald

1958. Inauguration of the West Indies Federation. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson. Perf 11½ x 11. Wmk Multiple Block CA.
F175. 2d deep green

1960. Postal Centenary. Printed (recess) by Waterlow. Perf 13½ x 14. Wmk Multiple Block CA.
F178. 2d blue and reddish purple

1964. Pictorials. Printed (photo) by Harrison. Perf 14 x 14½. Wmk Multiple J and pineapples.
F221. 3d yellow, black and emerald
Social Security
1965. Badge of Jamaica, inscribed National Insurance. 17½ x 21½ mm. Perf 15 x 14. Printed (photo) by Harrison. Badge in yellow and green, inscriptions in black. Background colours given below.
a) Wmk Multiple Block CA (1965)
S1. 3s brown-purple
S2. 4s bright blue
b) Wmk Multiple J and pineapple (1967)
S3. 3s brown-purple
S4. 4s bright blue
Recorded cylinder numbers: 1B1B1B1B (S2).
a) Wmk Multiple Block CA (1965)
S1. 3s brown-purple
S2. 4s bright blue
b) Wmk Multiple J and pineapple (1967)
S3. 3s brown-purple
S4. 4s bright blue
Recorded cylinder numbers: 1B1B1B1B (S2).
- Req 4/85607/1 (sent to Jamaica 2nd to 27th April 1965): 3s, 4s
- Req 6/48421/1 (sent to Jamaica 6th February 1967): 3s, 4s - An annotation against this entry in the Requsition Book reads "Jamaica Pineapple w/m Paper"
- Req 7/51707/1 (sent to Jamaica 1st March 1968): 3s, 4s
1976-81. As previous issue but in decimal currency, and inscription changed to Social Security Jamaica. Wmk Multiple J and pineapple sideways. Colours of badge and inscriptions as before.

S9 with postal cancel
S9. 30c orange-yellow (1981)
[S10. 60c claret]
S11. 70c black
S12. 90c pale blue-green
S13. $1.20 chestnut
S14. $1.50 greenish blue
S15. $1.80 violet
Colour proofs of the 60c to $1.80 were approved in May 1976. The date of issue was presumably later in the same year. I have not seen the 60c as an issued stamp.
All examples of the 30c so far recorded are postally used on philatelic covers from 1988, but the proofs were approved in 1981 and the stamp was presumably issued in that year.
[S10. 60c claret]
S11. 70c black
S12. 90c pale blue-green
S13. $1.20 chestnut
S14. $1.50 greenish blue
S15. $1.80 violet
Colour proofs of the 60c to $1.80 were approved in May 1976. The date of issue was presumably later in the same year. I have not seen the 60c as an issued stamp.
All examples of the 30c so far recorded are postally used on philatelic covers from 1988, but the proofs were approved in 1981 and the stamp was presumably issued in that year.
2012-19 (see note 1). As previous issue but new high values. Perf 14½ x 14. with elliptical security perforations at left and right sides. Colours of badge and inscriptions as before. Wmk Multiple Crowns (sideways).
S21. $20 orange-brown
S22. $50 orange-brown
S23. $100 orange-brown
1. The date of issue is unknown but S21/22 were recorded by Zirinsky in 2012 and S23 was on sale in Jamaican post offices in 2019.
2. The watermark on this issue is not known on any other revenue stamp of Jamaica.
3. All three values are recorded with cylinder 1A1A1A1A.
S21. $20 orange-brown
S22. $50 orange-brown
S23. $100 orange-brown
1. The date of issue is unknown but S21/22 were recorded by Zirinsky in 2012 and S23 was on sale in Jamaican post offices in 2019.
2. The watermark on this issue is not known on any other revenue stamp of Jamaica.
3. All three values are recorded with cylinder 1A1A1A1A.
1879-1904 (according to Hiscocks). Queen Victoria types inscribed Jamaica Telegraphs. 22½ x 18½ mm (3d) or 30 x 25 mm (1s). Printed (typo) by De La Rue. Perf 14.

T6, T6 specimen & T7, with backs showing watermarks
a) Wmk Crown CC (1879)
T1. 3d lilac
T2. 1s purple-brown on bluish paper
T3. 1s purple-brown on white (shades)
b) Wmk Crown CA (1889)
T6. 3d purple
c) Wmk Multiple Crown CA (1904)
T7. 3d purple
Note: T3 and T6 are known overprinted Specimen.
T1. 3d lilac
T2. 1s purple-brown on bluish paper
T3. 1s purple-brown on white (shades)
b) Wmk Crown CA (1889)
T6. 3d purple
c) Wmk Multiple Crown CA (1904)
T7. 3d purple
Note: T3 and T6 are known overprinted Specimen.

T11 cut-out
1892 (earliest recorded usage). Telegraph form featuring circular impressed stamp 28 mm across. Portrait of Queen Victoria.
T11. 1s pale rose
Adhesive embossed
All the stamps in this section were printed in sheets of 60 by Somerset House, London. The country name was typographed first in black, then the design added in grey or blue using an inked embossing process. Similar stamps without the Jamaica underprint were issued for Great Britain.
Each embossing die is identified by one or two code letters, or by a pair of roses. The die code for each stamp is given in brackets in this listing. There are a number of minor variations in design from one die to the next of the same value, relating to the shape of the crown and the position of the die letters. The small-format 3d, 6d, 1s, 5s and 10s originally had the crown in the centre with the value above. The positions of these elements of the design were reversed in the 1920s, placing the crown at the top and the value in the centre. The original types have a single die letter while the redrawn types have a double letter (except the 10s Y, which is in the later type). For further details see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman.
All the stamps in this section were printed in sheets of 60 by Somerset House, London. The country name was typographed first in black, then the design added in grey or blue using an inked embossing process. Similar stamps without the Jamaica underprint were issued for Great Britain.
Each embossing die is identified by one or two code letters, or by a pair of roses. The die code for each stamp is given in brackets in this listing. There are a number of minor variations in design from one die to the next of the same value, relating to the shape of the crown and the position of the die letters. The small-format 3d, 6d, 1s, 5s and 10s originally had the crown in the centre with the value above. The positions of these elements of the design were reversed in the 1920s, placing the crown at the top and the value in the centre. The original types have a single die letter while the redrawn types have a double letter (except the 10s Y, which is in the later type). For further details see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman.
Note: an illustration showing
all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die
letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1899-1917 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown (3d to £1) or Head of Britannia (£2 to £50), in various ornamental frames with heraldic and floral decoration. Large designs (approx 42 x 45 mm from perf-tip to perf-tip) overprinted Jamaica in seriffed capitals (30 x 4½ mm). Perf 12. No watermark.
1899-1917 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown (3d to £1) or Head of Britannia (£2 to £50), in various ornamental frames with heraldic and floral decoration. Large designs (approx 42 x 45 mm from perf-tip to perf-tip) overprinted Jamaica in seriffed capitals (30 x 4½ mm). Perf 12. No watermark.

Y4 and Y7 (top), Y4a and Y7a (below) enlarged to show die letters
Y1. 3d grey (J)
Y2. 6d grey (EE)
Y3. 9d grey (D)
Y4. 1s grey (R)
a. Die T (1902)
Y5. 2s grey (A)
Y6. 3s grey (I)
Y7. 4s grey (F)
a. Die E (1905)
Y8. 5s grey (N)
Y9. 10s grey (A)
Y10. 15s grey (J)
Y11. £1 grey (F)
Y12. £2 grey (G) (1901)
Y13. £5 grey (I) (1902)
Y14. £10 grey (E) (1901)
Y15. £50 grey (D) (1908)
1. Most values of this set are known used from 1899. The earliest recorded usage is shown in brackets where this is not the case.
2. A number of values of this set have been recorded in brown, but it seems certain that these are colour changelings.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as an illustration of the so-called brown printings, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Y2. 6d grey (EE)
Y3. 9d grey (D)
Y4. 1s grey (R)
a. Die T (1902)
Y5. 2s grey (A)
Y6. 3s grey (I)
Y7. 4s grey (F)
a. Die E (1905)
Y8. 5s grey (N)
Y9. 10s grey (A)
Y10. 15s grey (J)
Y11. £1 grey (F)
Y12. £2 grey (G) (1901)
Y13. £5 grey (I) (1902)
Y14. £10 grey (E) (1901)
Y15. £50 grey (D) (1908)
1. Most values of this set are known used from 1899. The earliest recorded usage is shown in brackets where this is not the case.
2. A number of values of this set have been recorded in brown, but it seems certain that these are colour changelings.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as an illustration of the so-called brown printings, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Note: an illustration showing all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1902-19 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown (3d to 15s) or Head of Britannia (pound values), various frames. Small designs (approx 34 x 34 mm from perf-tip to perf-tip) overprinted Jamaica in sans-serif capitals (22½ x 3 mm). Perf 12. No watermark.
Y21. 3d grey (F)
a. Die E (1913)
Y22. 6d grey (H) (1903)
Y23. 9d grey (B)
Y24. 1s grey (H)
Y25. 2s grey (I)
a. Die G (1909)
Y26. 3s grey (A) (opt at foot) (1903)
a. Opt at top (1907)
Y27. 4s grey (Roses) (opt at top) (1906)
a. Opt at foot (1908)
Y28. 5s grey (H) (1903)
a. Die J (1904)
Y29. 10s grey (I) (1903)
a. Die K (1913)
Y30. 15s grey (D) (opt at foot) (1903)
a. Die C (opt at foot) (1904)
b. Die D (opt at top) (1909)
Y31. £1 grey (F) (1903)
Y32. £10 grey (C) (1907)
1. The 3d (F), 9d, 1s and 2s (I) are known used in 1902. For the remaining values of the set, the earliest recorded usage is shown in brackets.
2. A number of values of this set have been recorded in brown, but it seems certain that these are colour changelings.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as an illustration of the so-called brown printings, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1902-19 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown (3d to 15s) or Head of Britannia (pound values), various frames. Small designs (approx 34 x 34 mm from perf-tip to perf-tip) overprinted Jamaica in sans-serif capitals (22½ x 3 mm). Perf 12. No watermark.
Y21. 3d grey (F)
a. Die E (1913)
Y22. 6d grey (H) (1903)
Y23. 9d grey (B)
Y24. 1s grey (H)
Y25. 2s grey (I)
a. Die G (1909)
Y26. 3s grey (A) (opt at foot) (1903)
a. Opt at top (1907)
Y27. 4s grey (Roses) (opt at top) (1906)
a. Opt at foot (1908)
Y28. 5s grey (H) (1903)
a. Die J (1904)
Y29. 10s grey (I) (1903)
a. Die K (1913)
Y30. 15s grey (D) (opt at foot) (1903)
a. Die C (opt at foot) (1904)
b. Die D (opt at top) (1909)
Y31. £1 grey (F) (1903)
Y32. £10 grey (C) (1907)
1. The 3d (F), 9d, 1s and 2s (I) are known used in 1902. For the remaining values of the set, the earliest recorded usage is shown in brackets.
2. A number of values of this set have been recorded in brown, but it seems certain that these are colour changelings.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as an illustration of the so-called brown printings, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.

Note: an illustration showing all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1913-31 (recorded usage). As previous two issues but colour changed from grey to blue. Overprint at top or in centre, with two different types of 6d and 10s. Perf 12. No watermark. Dates of earliest recorded use shown in brackets.
a) Small designs with sans-serif overprint
Y41. 3d blue (F) (1916)
a. Die E (1921)
Y42. 6d blue (crown in centre) (H) (1914)
a. Die I (1921)
b. Die J (1920)
c. Crown at top (AK) (1926)
Y43. 9d blue (B) (1916)
a. Die A (1917)
Y44. 1s blue (H) (1914)
[a. Die G (1923)]
b. Die I (1927)
c. Die J (1928)
d. Die K (1929)
Y45. 1s6d blue (B) (1929)
Y46. 2s blue (I) (1914)
a. Die G (1922)
b. Die J (1929)
c. Die AD (1929)
Y47. 3s blue (A) (1913)
a. Die B (1921)
[b. Die M (1923)]
c. Die L (1929)
Y48. 4s blue (Roses) (1916)
a. Die A (1928)
b. Die N (1929)
Y49. 5s blue (H) (1916)
a. Die K (1920)
Y50. 6s blue (Roses) (1915)
a. Die A (1920)
Y51. 7s6d blue (F) (1918?)
a. Die E (1924)
Y52. 10s blue (crown in centre) (K) (1916)
a. Die J (1926)
b. Crown at top (Y) (1930)
Y53. 15s blue (D) (1914)
a. Die U (1923)
b. Die T (1924)
c. Die AB (1928)
Y54. £1 blue (F) (1916)
a. Die T (1923)
Y55. £2 blue (R) (1921)
[Y56. £4 blue (1924)]
[Y57. £10 blue (1924)]
[Y58. £15 blue (1925)]
[Y59. £20 blue (1923)]
[Y60. £30 blue (1926)]
Y61. £100 blue (Roses) (1923)
1913-31 (recorded usage). As previous two issues but colour changed from grey to blue. Overprint at top or in centre, with two different types of 6d and 10s. Perf 12. No watermark. Dates of earliest recorded use shown in brackets.
a) Small designs with sans-serif overprint
Y41. 3d blue (F) (1916)
a. Die E (1921)
Y42. 6d blue (crown in centre) (H) (1914)
a. Die I (1921)
b. Die J (1920)
c. Crown at top (AK) (1926)
Y43. 9d blue (B) (1916)
a. Die A (1917)
Y44. 1s blue (H) (1914)
[a. Die G (1923)]
b. Die I (1927)
c. Die J (1928)
d. Die K (1929)
Y45. 1s6d blue (B) (1929)
Y46. 2s blue (I) (1914)
a. Die G (1922)
b. Die J (1929)
c. Die AD (1929)
Y47. 3s blue (A) (1913)
a. Die B (1921)
[b. Die M (1923)]
c. Die L (1929)
Y48. 4s blue (Roses) (1916)
a. Die A (1928)
b. Die N (1929)
Y49. 5s blue (H) (1916)
a. Die K (1920)
Y50. 6s blue (Roses) (1915)
a. Die A (1920)
Y51. 7s6d blue (F) (1918?)
a. Die E (1924)
Y52. 10s blue (crown in centre) (K) (1916)
a. Die J (1926)
b. Crown at top (Y) (1930)
Y53. 15s blue (D) (1914)
a. Die U (1923)
b. Die T (1924)
c. Die AB (1928)
Y54. £1 blue (F) (1916)
a. Die T (1923)
Y55. £2 blue (R) (1921)
[Y56. £4 blue (1924)]
[Y57. £10 blue (1924)]
[Y58. £15 blue (1925)]
[Y59. £20 blue (1923)]
[Y60. £30 blue (1926)]
Y61. £100 blue (Roses) (1923)
b) Large designs with seriffed overprint
Y64. £2 blue (G) (1916)
a. Die F (1924)
Y65. £4 blue (D) (1919)
a. Die C (1921)
Y66. £5 blue (I) (1919)
a. Die K (1921)
Y67. £15 blue (C) (1916)
Y68. £20 blue (D) (1918)
Y69. £30 blue (D) (1926)
Y70. £50 blue (D) (1924)
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets. The Requisition Books do not record the die codes, though in some cases these can be worked out by corroboration with other archive records.
2. As well as the prominent changes in design noted for the 6d and 10s values, the 2s, 3s, 4s and 15s also show slight variations in design from one die to another. For further details, see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman.
3. This issue displays a complex spectrum of shades from greyish blue, slate, violet-blue and blue to ultramarine. The general trend of shades was less grey and more blue as time progressed.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities from June 1922 onwards, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Y64. £2 blue (G) (1916)
a. Die F (1924)
Y65. £4 blue (D) (1919)
a. Die C (1921)
Y66. £5 blue (I) (1919)
a. Die K (1921)
Y67. £15 blue (C) (1916)
Y68. £20 blue (D) (1918)
Y69. £30 blue (D) (1926)
Y70. £50 blue (D) (1924)
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets. The Requisition Books do not record the die codes, though in some cases these can be worked out by corroboration with other archive records.
2. As well as the prominent changes in design noted for the 6d and 10s values, the 2s, 3s, 4s and 15s also show slight variations in design from one die to another. For further details, see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman.
3. This issue displays a complex spectrum of shades from greyish blue, slate, violet-blue and blue to ultramarine. The general trend of shades was less grey and more blue as time progressed.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities from June 1922 onwards, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Note: an illustration showing
all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die
letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1931-59. As 1913-31 issue but overprint at or towards foot of stamp. Small designs for all values. Perf 12. No watermark.
Y71. 3d blue (AD) (1949)
Y72. 6d blue (AH) (1931)
a. Die AK (1936)
b. Die AS (1941)
Y73. 9d blue (B) (1949)
Y74. 1s blue (AC) (1931)
Y75. 1s3d blue (O) (1950)
Y76. 1s6d blue (B) (1932)
a. Die C (1933)
Y77. 2s blue (G) (1931)
a. Die J (1945)
b. Die AS (1946)
Y78. 2s6d blue (AE) (1948)
Y79. 3s blue (L) (1949)
Y80. 4s blue (A) (1940)
a. Die N (1948)
Y81. 4s6d blue (D) (1951)
Y82. 5s blue (AF) (1946)
Y83. 6s blue (A) (1932)
a. Die Roses (1944)
Y84. 7s6d blue (T) (1943)
Y85. 10s blue (AF) (1932)
a. Die AN (1941)
Y86. 15s blue (AB) (1940)
a. Die Z (1942)
Y87. £1 blue (T) (1941)
Y88. £2 blue (R) (1942)
Y89. £3 blue (J) (1951)
Y90. £4 blue (E) (1942)
Y91. £5 blue (U) (1948)
Y92. £10 blue (T) (1949)
[Y93. £15 blue (B) (1930)]
a. Die C (1956)
[Y94. £20 blue (C) (1932)]
[Y95. £30 blue (Roses) (1932)]
[a. Die A (1950)]
[Y96. £50 blue (E) (1934)]
[Y97. £100 blue (Roses) (1932)]
[Y98. £500 blue (Roses) (1941)]
1. The dates in brackets represent the earliest recorded usage.
2. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1931-59. As 1913-31 issue but overprint at or towards foot of stamp. Small designs for all values. Perf 12. No watermark.
Y71. 3d blue (AD) (1949)
Y72. 6d blue (AH) (1931)
a. Die AK (1936)
b. Die AS (1941)
Y73. 9d blue (B) (1949)
Y74. 1s blue (AC) (1931)
Y75. 1s3d blue (O) (1950)
Y76. 1s6d blue (B) (1932)
a. Die C (1933)
Y77. 2s blue (G) (1931)
a. Die J (1945)
b. Die AS (1946)
Y78. 2s6d blue (AE) (1948)
Y79. 3s blue (L) (1949)
Y80. 4s blue (A) (1940)
a. Die N (1948)
Y81. 4s6d blue (D) (1951)
Y82. 5s blue (AF) (1946)
Y83. 6s blue (A) (1932)
a. Die Roses (1944)
Y84. 7s6d blue (T) (1943)
Y85. 10s blue (AF) (1932)
a. Die AN (1941)
Y86. 15s blue (AB) (1940)
a. Die Z (1942)
Y87. £1 blue (T) (1941)
Y88. £2 blue (R) (1942)
Y89. £3 blue (J) (1951)
Y90. £4 blue (E) (1942)
Y91. £5 blue (U) (1948)
Y92. £10 blue (T) (1949)
[Y93. £15 blue (B) (1930)]
a. Die C (1956)
[Y94. £20 blue (C) (1932)]
[Y95. £30 blue (Roses) (1932)]
[a. Die A (1950)]
[Y96. £50 blue (E) (1934)]
[Y97. £100 blue (Roses) (1932)]
[Y98. £500 blue (Roses) (1941)]
1. The dates in brackets represent the earliest recorded usage.
2. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Note: an illustration showing
all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die
letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1956-59. As 1931-59 issue but now on watermarked paper. Perf 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
[Y101. 3d blue (1958)]
Y102. 6d blue (AS) (1956)
a. Die AT (1959)
Y103. 9d blue (B) (1957)
Y104. 1s blue (AC) (1958)
Y105. 1s3d blue (O) (1957)
Y106. 1s6d blue (C) (1957)
[Y107. 2s blue (1958)]
Y108. 2s6d blue (AE) (1958)
a. Die AV (1959)
Y109. 3s blue (L) (1957)
a. Die Z (1958)
Y110. 4s blue (N) (1958)
Y111. 4s6d blue (D) (1958)
Y112. 5s blue (AF) (1957)
[Y113. 6s blue (1958)]
[Y114. 7s6d blue (1958)]
Y115. 10s blue (AN) (1957)
a. Die BG (1958)
Y116. 15s blue (Z) (1957)
Y117. £1 blue (T) (1958)
Y118. £2 blue (R) (1958)
a. Die AL (195?)
Y119. £3 blue (J) (1957)
a. Die Y (1958)
Y120. £4 blue (E) (1957)
Y121. £5 blue (U) (1958)
Y122. £10 blue (T) (1958)
a. Die AA (1958)
Y123. £15 blue (C) (1958)
[Y124. £20 blue (1956)]
[Y125. £30 blue (1956)]
[Y126. £50 blue (1956)]
[Y127. £100 blue (1956)]
[Y128. £500 blue (1956)]
1. The dates in brackets represent the earliest recorded usage.
2. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1956-59. As 1931-59 issue but now on watermarked paper. Perf 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
[Y101. 3d blue (1958)]
Y102. 6d blue (AS) (1956)
a. Die AT (1959)
Y103. 9d blue (B) (1957)
Y104. 1s blue (AC) (1958)
Y105. 1s3d blue (O) (1957)
Y106. 1s6d blue (C) (1957)
[Y107. 2s blue (1958)]
Y108. 2s6d blue (AE) (1958)
a. Die AV (1959)
Y109. 3s blue (L) (1957)
a. Die Z (1958)
Y110. 4s blue (N) (1958)
Y111. 4s6d blue (D) (1958)
Y112. 5s blue (AF) (1957)
[Y113. 6s blue (1958)]
[Y114. 7s6d blue (1958)]
Y115. 10s blue (AN) (1957)
a. Die BG (1958)
Y116. 15s blue (Z) (1957)
Y117. £1 blue (T) (1958)
Y118. £2 blue (R) (1958)
a. Die AL (195?)
Y119. £3 blue (J) (1957)
a. Die Y (1958)
Y120. £4 blue (E) (1957)
Y121. £5 blue (U) (1958)
Y122. £10 blue (T) (1958)
a. Die AA (1958)
Y123. £15 blue (C) (1958)
[Y124. £20 blue (1956)]
[Y125. £30 blue (1956)]
[Y126. £50 blue (1956)]
[Y127. £100 blue (1956)]
[Y128. £500 blue (1956)]
1. The dates in brackets represent the earliest recorded usage.
2. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Jamaica is given in brackets.
A complete table showing the earliest and latest recorded usage of each value, as well as details of print quantities, can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
Direct embossed
A note on illustrations: in order to illustrate the colourless embossed stamps in this section, it has been necessary in most cases to shade or rub them gently with a soft pencil to bring out the contours of the design. This results in an image which is effectively the negative of an inked embossed design. For example the 15s vermilion of the 1882-99 issue (Z44c) has the crown and inscriptions in white with the background in colour, while the colourless stamps of the same set are shown with the crown and inscriptions in black with the background in white.

1805-22 (recorded usage). Arms of Jamaica. Size approx 28 x 36 mm (Z9) or 18 x 28 mm (others). Value in Roman numerals. Colourless. The dies exist in two different types.
Type 1: Scrolls touching the central shield
Z1. 5s
Type 2: Scrolls clear of the central shield
Z2. 10d
Z3. 1s8d
Z4. 2s6d
Z5. 5s
Z9. 25s
1. The value 'V SHILLINGS' on Z1 appears in one line, and on Z5 in two lines.
2. Barber also lists a 10s and 15s in similar designs, and a 7½d and £1 issued around the same time in unspecified design. I have not seen any of these.
3. Earliest recorded usage: 1805-20 (Z3), 1812-19 (Z2), 1813 (Z9), 1822 (Z4). Barber gives 1804 as the start date for this issue.
Type 1: Scrolls touching the central shield
Z1. 5s
Type 2: Scrolls clear of the central shield
Z2. 10d
Z3. 1s8d
Z4. 2s6d
Z5. 5s
Z9. 25s
1. The value 'V SHILLINGS' on Z1 appears in one line, and on Z5 in two lines.
2. Barber also lists a 10s and 15s in similar designs, and a 7½d and £1 issued around the same time in unspecified design. I have not seen any of these.
3. Earliest recorded usage: 1805-20 (Z3), 1812-19 (Z2), 1813 (Z9), 1822 (Z4). Barber gives 1804 as the start date for this issue.

Z11a and Z11b
1880s. Imperial Crown and floral design. Inscribed ONE PENNY JAMAICA, with die letter at top right. Colourless.
Z11a. 1d (A)
b. Die B
1877-99 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown with no reference to Jamaica. Value in words, STERLING at foot (except 9d). Colourless except where noted.
Z21a. 3d (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z22a. 6d (A)
c. Die C
Z23a. 9d (A)
Z24a. 1s (A)
Z25b. 1s6d (B)
Z26a. 2s (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z28a. 3s (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z29a. 3s6d (A)
Z31b. 4s (B)
Z32a. 4s6d (A)
Z33b. 5s (B)
c. Die C
Z34a. 5s6d (A)
Z35a. 6s6d (A)
Z36a. 7s (A)
Z38a. 8s (A)
Z39a. 8s6d (A)
Z40a. 9s (A)
Z41a. 9s6d (A)
Z42c. 10s (C)
Z43a. 12s6d (A)
Z44c. 15s vermilion (C)
Z46b. £1 (B)
Z47b. £1 5s (B)
c. Die C
Z48a. £2 10s (A)
Z51a. £4 (A)
Z52b. £5 vermilion (B)
c. Colourless, die C
Z54c. £6 (C)
1. In addition to the above values, Barber lists the 2s3d, 3s9d, 7s6d, 18s, £2 15s, £3 10s, £4 5s, £5 15s, £6 10s, £7 5s, £8, £8 15s, £20, £30, £40 and £100. He also lists the following combinations of values and dies, which I have not seen: 6d (B), 1s6d (A), 2s3d (A), 3s9d (A), 4s (A), 5s (A), 7s6d (A, B), 10s (A, B), 18s (A), £1 (A), £1 vermilion (C), £1 5s (A), £2 15s (A), £3 10s (A), £4 (B, C), £4 5s (A), £5 15s (A), £6 (A, B), £6 10s (A), £7 5s (A), £8 (A), £8 15s (A), £20 (A), £30 (A), £40 (A) and £100 (A).
2. A Stamp Office announcement dated 5th January 1897 in the Jamaica Gazette notified the introduction of new embossing dies for the following values: 4½d, 8d, 9d, 1s3d, 2s3d, 3s9d, 6s3d, 6s9d, 8s3d, 9s9d, 10s6d, 11s3d, 12s9d, 13s6d, 14s3d, 16s6d, 17s3d, 18s, 19s6d, £1 1s, £1 2s6d, £1 4s. Of these values I have seen only the 9d, with Barber listing the 2s3d, 3s9d and 18s in addition; this leaves eighteen values which are known only from the 1897 announcement.
Z21a. 3d (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z22a. 6d (A)
c. Die C
Z23a. 9d (A)
Z24a. 1s (A)
Z25b. 1s6d (B)
Z26a. 2s (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z28a. 3s (A)
b. Die B
c. Die C
Z29a. 3s6d (A)
Z31b. 4s (B)
Z32a. 4s6d (A)
Z33b. 5s (B)
c. Die C
Z34a. 5s6d (A)
Z35a. 6s6d (A)
Z36a. 7s (A)
Z38a. 8s (A)
Z39a. 8s6d (A)
Z40a. 9s (A)
Z41a. 9s6d (A)
Z42c. 10s (C)
Z43a. 12s6d (A)
Z44c. 15s vermilion (C)
Z46b. £1 (B)
Z47b. £1 5s (B)
c. Die C
Z48a. £2 10s (A)
Z51a. £4 (A)
Z52b. £5 vermilion (B)
c. Colourless, die C
Z54c. £6 (C)
1. In addition to the above values, Barber lists the 2s3d, 3s9d, 7s6d, 18s, £2 15s, £3 10s, £4 5s, £5 15s, £6 10s, £7 5s, £8, £8 15s, £20, £30, £40 and £100. He also lists the following combinations of values and dies, which I have not seen: 6d (B), 1s6d (A), 2s3d (A), 3s9d (A), 4s (A), 5s (A), 7s6d (A, B), 10s (A, B), 18s (A), £1 (A), £1 vermilion (C), £1 5s (A), £2 15s (A), £3 10s (A), £4 (B, C), £4 5s (A), £5 15s (A), £6 (A, B), £6 10s (A), £7 5s (A), £8 (A), £8 15s (A), £20 (A), £30 (A), £40 (A) and £100 (A).
2. A Stamp Office announcement dated 5th January 1897 in the Jamaica Gazette notified the introduction of new embossing dies for the following values: 4½d, 8d, 9d, 1s3d, 2s3d, 3s9d, 6s3d, 6s9d, 8s3d, 9s9d, 10s6d, 11s3d, 12s9d, 13s6d, 14s3d, 16s6d, 17s3d, 18s, 19s6d, £1 1s, £1 2s6d, £1 4s. Of these values I have seen only the 9d, with Barber listing the 2s3d, 3s9d and 18s in addition; this leaves eighteen values which are known only from the 1897 announcement.
Note: an illustration showing all recorded varieties of this issue including differences of die letter can be found on the Jamaica supplementary information page here.
1901-70 (recorded usage). Crown over Arms of Jamaica in frames of different shapes, all 25 to 30 mm across. All designs incorporate date plugs, with the year plug on the right. The recorded dates of use are shown in brackets. Colourless (Z76b) or vermilion (others).
Z76b. 1d colourless (B) (1921)
Z81a. 1d vermilion (A) (1901-17)
b. Die B (1916-53)
Z82a. 2d vermilion (A) (1954)
b. Die B (1948-58)
c. Die C (1955-56)
d. Die D (1956-61)
f. Die F (1962-65)
g. Die G (1961-65)
Z83e. 3d vermilion (E) (1963-66)
f. Die F (1959-63)
Z84a. 4d vermilion (A) (1959)
c. Die C (1968)
Z85a. 6d vermilion (A) (1951-67)
b. Die B (1959-63)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z86b. 9d vermilion (B) (1959)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z87a. 1s vermilion (A) (1962-63)
b. Die B (1961-63)
Z90a. 2s vermilion (A) (1959-60)
b. Die B (1959)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z91a. 3s vermilion (A) (1963-67)
b. Die B (1959-63)
[Z92b. 4s vermilion (B)]
Z93a. 5s vermilion (A) (1968)
b. Die B (1959)
Z94a. 7s vermilion (A) (1962)
b. Die B (1959-65)
Z95b. 10s vermilion (B) (1969)
c. Die C (1963)
Z96a. 15s vermilion (A) (1959-65)
b. Die B (1960-70)
Z97b. £1 vermilion (B) (1963)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z98a. £2 vermilion (A) (1963-69)
b. Die B (1969-70)
Z99a. £5 vermilion (A) (1968-69)
b. Die B (1970)
[Z100b. £10 vermilion (B)]
[Z101b. £15 vermilion (B)]
[Z102b. £50 vermilion (B)]
1. The values shown in square brackets are known only as proofs not as issued stamps.
2. In addition to the above values, Barber illustrates proofs of the 1s3d, 1s6d, £100, £500 and £1000, none of which I have seen as issued stamps. He also lists the following combinations of values and dies, which I have not seen: 2d (E); 3d (A, C); 4d (B, D); 1s3d (A); 1s6d (A); £1 (A); £2 (C); £10 (A); £15 (B); £50 (B); £100 (A); £500 (A); £1000 (A).
1901-70 (recorded usage). Crown over Arms of Jamaica in frames of different shapes, all 25 to 30 mm across. All designs incorporate date plugs, with the year plug on the right. The recorded dates of use are shown in brackets. Colourless (Z76b) or vermilion (others).
Z76b. 1d colourless (B) (1921)
Z81a. 1d vermilion (A) (1901-17)
b. Die B (1916-53)
Z82a. 2d vermilion (A) (1954)
b. Die B (1948-58)
c. Die C (1955-56)
d. Die D (1956-61)
f. Die F (1962-65)
g. Die G (1961-65)
Z83e. 3d vermilion (E) (1963-66)
f. Die F (1959-63)
Z84a. 4d vermilion (A) (1959)
c. Die C (1968)
Z85a. 6d vermilion (A) (1951-67)
b. Die B (1959-63)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z86b. 9d vermilion (B) (1959)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z87a. 1s vermilion (A) (1962-63)
b. Die B (1961-63)
Z90a. 2s vermilion (A) (1959-60)
b. Die B (1959)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z91a. 3s vermilion (A) (1963-67)
b. Die B (1959-63)
[Z92b. 4s vermilion (B)]
Z93a. 5s vermilion (A) (1968)
b. Die B (1959)
Z94a. 7s vermilion (A) (1962)
b. Die B (1959-65)
Z95b. 10s vermilion (B) (1969)
c. Die C (1963)
Z96a. 15s vermilion (A) (1959-65)
b. Die B (1960-70)
Z97b. £1 vermilion (B) (1963)
c. Die C (1959-69)
Z98a. £2 vermilion (A) (1963-69)
b. Die B (1969-70)
Z99a. £5 vermilion (A) (1968-69)
b. Die B (1970)
[Z100b. £10 vermilion (B)]
[Z101b. £15 vermilion (B)]
[Z102b. £50 vermilion (B)]
1. The values shown in square brackets are known only as proofs not as issued stamps.
2. In addition to the above values, Barber illustrates proofs of the 1s3d, 1s6d, £100, £500 and £1000, none of which I have seen as issued stamps. He also lists the following combinations of values and dies, which I have not seen: 2d (E); 3d (A, C); 4d (B, D); 1s3d (A); 1s6d (A); £1 (A); £2 (C); £10 (A); £15 (B); £50 (B); £100 (A); £500 (A); £1000 (A).
1973-75 (recorded usage). As previous issue but change to decimal currency, and with legend around the arms now in English (OUT OF MANY ONE PEOPLE) rather than Latin.
[Z111c. 1c vermilion (C)]
[d. Die D]
[Z112d. 2c vermilion (D)]
[e. Die E]
[Z113e. 4c vermilion (E)]
[f. Die F]
[Z114b. 5c vermilion (B)]
[f. Die F]
[Z115b. 8c vermilion (B)]
[Z116b. 10c vermilion (B)]
[e. Die E]
Z117a. 12c vermilion (A) (1975)
[Z118a. 15c vermilion (A)]
d. Die D (1974)
[e. Die E]
[Z119a. 20c vermilion (A)]
Z120b. 25c vermilion (B) (1975)
[c. Die C]
[Z121a. 50c vermilion (A)]
c. Die C (1975)
Z122b. $1 vermilion (B) (1975)
[c. Die C]
[Z123a. $2 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z124a. $5 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z125b. $10 vermilion (B)]
[c. Die C]
[Z126a. $20 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z127a. $50 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z128c. $100 vermilion (C)]
[Z129b. $200 vermilion (B)]
[c. Die C]
[Z130a. $500 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z131a. $1000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z132a. $5000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z133a. $10000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
Note: Z117a, Z118d, Z120b, Z121c and Z122b are the only values I have seen as issued stamps, the others being recorded only as proofs. One set of proofs exists in black with date plugs for 8-8-54, though this was presumably not the date of production since Jamaica did not adopt decimal currency until 1969. Another proof set in vermilion is dated 17-7-73. The colours of the proofs are as follows:
[Z111c. 1c vermilion (C)]
[d. Die D]
[Z112d. 2c vermilion (D)]
[e. Die E]
[Z113e. 4c vermilion (E)]
[f. Die F]
[Z114b. 5c vermilion (B)]
[f. Die F]
[Z115b. 8c vermilion (B)]
[Z116b. 10c vermilion (B)]
[e. Die E]
Z117a. 12c vermilion (A) (1975)
[Z118a. 15c vermilion (A)]
d. Die D (1974)
[e. Die E]
[Z119a. 20c vermilion (A)]
Z120b. 25c vermilion (B) (1975)
[c. Die C]
[Z121a. 50c vermilion (A)]
c. Die C (1975)
Z122b. $1 vermilion (B) (1975)
[c. Die C]
[Z123a. $2 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z124a. $5 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z125b. $10 vermilion (B)]
[c. Die C]
[Z126a. $20 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z127a. $50 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z128c. $100 vermilion (C)]
[Z129b. $200 vermilion (B)]
[c. Die C]
[Z130a. $500 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z131a. $1000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z132a. $5000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
[Z133a. $10000 vermilion (A)]
[c. Die C]
Note: Z117a, Z118d, Z120b, Z121c and Z122b are the only values I have seen as issued stamps, the others being recorded only as proofs. One set of proofs exists in black with date plugs for 8-8-54, though this was presumably not the date of production since Jamaica did not adopt decimal currency until 1969. Another proof set in vermilion is dated 17-7-73. The colours of the proofs are as follows:
- Black dated 8-8-54: Z111c, Z112e, Z113f, Z114f, Z116e, Z118e, Z120c, Z121c, Z122c, Z123c, Z124c, Z125c, Z126c, Z127c, Z128c, Z129c, Z130c, Z131c, Z132c, Z133c
- Vermilion dated 17-7-73: Z111d, Z112d, Z113e, Z114b, Z115b, Z116b, Z117a, Z118a, Z119a, Z120b, Z121a, Z122b, Z123a, Z124a, Z125b, Z126a, Z127a, Z129b, Z130a, Z131a, Z132a, Z133a