Trinidad and Tobago
Chapter overview
- Airport Tax (catalogue numbers prefixed A)
- Fee and Free Fee (catalogue numbers prefixed F)
- Labels (catalogue numbers prefixed L)
- National Insurance (catalogue numbers prefixed N)
- Opium Duty (catalogue numbers prefixed O)
- Revenue stamps excluding adhesive embossed (catalogue numbers prefixed R)
- Issues for Trinidad and Tobago (R31/33)
- Impressed / embossed revenues:
- Direct embossed (catalogue numbers prefixed Z)
- Revenue usage of Postage stamps (catalogue numbers prefixed S)
- Issues for Trinidad and Tobago (S153/560)
- Ed Barrow, Trinidad FEE Overprints, The Revenue Journal vol XXVII 3 (December 2016), pp76-78
- Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A Ramkissoon, Trinidad: A Philatelic History to 1913 (British West Indies Study Circle / British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group, 2010)
See also general acknowledgments on the main West Indies page.
- (Until 1935) 20 shillings = 1 pound sterling (12 pence = 1 shilling)
- (1935-1949) 100 cents = 1 Trinidad and Tobago dollar
- (1949-1964) 100 cents = 1 British West Indies dollar
- (1964-present) 100 cents = 1 Trinidad and Tobago dollar
Airport Tax

2007 (first recorded). Inscribed Airports Authority Official Passenger Departure Receipt. Issued at Piarco International Airport. Imperf. Security number sideways at right, reading upwards.
A1. $100 black, red and yellow
The $100 fee comprises $75 Departure Tax plus $25 Airport Security Fee.
Fee and Free Fee

1889 (earliest recorded usage). Trinidad postage stamp of 1883-94 (portrait of Queen Victoria) locally overprinted either FEE or FREE in seriffed capitals.
F1. 1d carmine (opt FEE)
F3. 1d carmine (opt FREE with R deleted in manuscript to make FEE)
1. It seems logical that F3 must exist without the R deleted though it is not recorded anywhere.
2. The illustration above right (reproduced from Marriott, Medlicott and Ramkissoon) shows the 2½d bright blue similarly overprinted though in a shorted, wider seriffed font, plus the same stamp with a bar cancelling halfpenny in the value tablet to produce a 2d on 2½d surcharge. These were prepared for use but not issued, though a postally used example (presumably by favour) of the latter is known.
3. Illustrated at right is a 1d carmine overprinted FEE in wider font than F1, plus a ½d dull green postage stamp bisected and surcharged Fee ½d. I follow Barrow in regarding these as forgeries, though the ½d bisect is listed in Morley's catalogue.
4. Earliest recorded usage: January 1889 (F3).
F1. 1d carmine (opt FEE)
F3. 1d carmine (opt FREE with R deleted in manuscript to make FEE)
1. It seems logical that F3 must exist without the R deleted though it is not recorded anywhere.
2. The illustration above right (reproduced from Marriott, Medlicott and Ramkissoon) shows the 2½d bright blue similarly overprinted though in a shorted, wider seriffed font, plus the same stamp with a bar cancelling halfpenny in the value tablet to produce a 2d on 2½d surcharge. These were prepared for use but not issued, though a postally used example (presumably by favour) of the latter is known.
3. Illustrated at right is a 1d carmine overprinted FEE in wider font than F1, plus a ½d dull green postage stamp bisected and surcharged Fee ½d. I follow Barrow in regarding these as forgeries, though the ½d bisect is listed in Morley's catalogue.
4. Earliest recorded usage: January 1889 (F3).

1884-95 (recorded usage). Postage or postage due (3d) stamps of Trinidad, some specially printed in previously unissued colours, overprinted FEE in sans-serif capitals or surcharged also by De La Rue in London. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA (½d to 1s) or Crown CC (5s to £1).
F11. ½d dull green
F12. 1d carmine
a. Overprint inverted
F13. 1d dull purple and red (red opt)
F14. 3d dull purple
F15. 4d dull purple and black
F16. 6d dull green and carmine (carmine opt)
F17. 1s dull green and blue (blue opt)
F18. 5s dull purple (blue opt)
F19. 10s on 5s dull purple (carmine opt)
F20. £1 on 5s dull green
1. Barrow notes that the ½d dull green and 1d carmine are commonly found with postal cancels, and suggests that they were originally issued as postage due stamps rather than revenues. Apart from these two values, the rest of the set was not issued in these colours without FEE overprint.
2. Morley lists the 5s on blued paper, which I have not seen.
3. The Postage Due 1d with the same overprint (listed by Barefoot as an issued stamp with only one known example) is an unadopted artist's essay based on a 3d stamp with the figures 3d painted out in white and 1d handpainted on top.
4. Barefoot also lists the 5s overprinted in black rather than blue. Although I have seen examples of F18 with overprints which might be described as deep grey, in my view these are shades of the blue overprint and not the true black found on F11/12 and F14/15.
5. Earliest recorded usage: May 1884 (1d carmine), 1892 (3d), March 1889 (6d), September 1888 (1s), June 1887 (5s), January 1889 (10s), May 1894 (£1).
F11. ½d dull green
F12. 1d carmine
a. Overprint inverted
F13. 1d dull purple and red (red opt)
F14. 3d dull purple
F15. 4d dull purple and black
F16. 6d dull green and carmine (carmine opt)
F17. 1s dull green and blue (blue opt)
F18. 5s dull purple (blue opt)
F19. 10s on 5s dull purple (carmine opt)
F20. £1 on 5s dull green
1. Barrow notes that the ½d dull green and 1d carmine are commonly found with postal cancels, and suggests that they were originally issued as postage due stamps rather than revenues. Apart from these two values, the rest of the set was not issued in these colours without FEE overprint.
2. Morley lists the 5s on blued paper, which I have not seen.
3. The Postage Due 1d with the same overprint (listed by Barefoot as an issued stamp with only one known example) is an unadopted artist's essay based on a 3d stamp with the figures 3d painted out in white and 1d handpainted on top.
4. Barefoot also lists the 5s overprinted in black rather than blue. Although I have seen examples of F18 with overprints which might be described as deep grey, in my view these are shades of the blue overprint and not the true black found on F11/12 and F14/15.
5. Earliest recorded usage: May 1884 (1d carmine), 1892 (3d), March 1889 (6d), September 1888 (1s), June 1887 (5s), January 1889 (10s), May 1894 (£1).

1888 (earliest recorded usage). Previous issue with De La Rue FEE opt in blue, now additionally overprinted FREE locally in seriffed capitals, in red.
F21. 1s dull green and blue
F22. 5s dull purple
Earliest recorded usage: January 1891 (1s), September 1888 (5s).
F21. 1s dull green and blue
F22. 5s dull purple
Earliest recorded usage: January 1891 (1s), September 1888 (5s).

1891 (earliest recorded usage). Postage stamps of Trinidad printed in previously unissued colours, overprinted FREE FEE in sans-serif capitals by De La Rue in London. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA (1s) or Crown CC (5s).
F26. 1s dull green and red (red opt)
F27. 5s dull purple (red opt)
Earliest recorded usage: January 1891 (1s), April 1891 (5s).
F26. 1s dull green and red (red opt)
F27. 5s dull purple (red opt)
Earliest recorded usage: January 1891 (1s), April 1891 (5s).

1914. Red Cross fundraising label inscribed One Fraction and sold at ½d. Perf 11-12. No wmk.
L1. [½d] red
Note: this label is listed in Gibbons as a postage stamp since its use for postal purposes was authorised for one day in September 1914.
L1. [½d] red
Note: this label is listed in Gibbons as a postage stamp since its use for postal purposes was authorised for one day in September 1914.
1944. Propaganda labels similar to contemporary postage and revenue stamps of Great Britain but incorporating Communist and/or Jewish symbols, overprinted LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE TRINIDAD in rectangular frame. Printed in Germany under the authority of the Nazi government.
L11. ½d green (opt in red)
L12. 1d red
L13. 1½d red-brown
L14. 2d orange
L15. 2½d ultramarine (opt in red)
L16. 3d violet
L11. ½d green (opt in red)
L12. 1d red
L13. 1½d red-brown
L14. 2d orange
L15. 2½d ultramarine (opt in red)
L16. 3d violet
National Insurance
Note: the National Insurance stamps of Trinidad and Tobago are known only as mint examples or with Specimen perfin, both of these emanating from the printer's archive. It is not known for certain which of the stamps in this section, if any, were actually issued. The sequence of sets as listed here seems the most logical one, but all the dates are guesses.
c1970s. Inscribed Trinidad and Tobago National Insurance in oval around coat of arms, with value in figures shown at top. Each denomination additionally indicated by a code in Roman numerals from I to VIII in centre of stamp. Perf 11½. Printed by Bradbury Wilkinson (imprint at foot of sheet) in sheets of 100 (10 rows of 10). Inscriptions in black.
N1. 50c [Z] grey-blue
N2. 90c [I] red
N3. $1.50 [II] brown
N4. $1.95 [III] deep green
N5. $2.55 [IV] grey-black
N6. $3.45 [V] deep olive
N7. $4.35 [VI] red-orange
N8. $5.55 [VII] deep purple
N9. $7.35 [VIII] ultramarine
N1. 50c [Z] grey-blue
N2. 90c [I] red
N3. $1.50 [II] brown
N4. $1.95 [III] deep green
N5. $2.55 [IV] grey-black
N6. $3.45 [V] deep olive
N7. $4.35 [VI] red-orange
N8. $5.55 [VII] deep purple
N9. $7.35 [VIII] ultramarine
c1980s. New type without coat of arms, inscribed Trinidad and Tobago National Insurance in oval as before but with design also incorporating the inscription Republic of Trinidad and Tobago National Insurance. 17½ x 21 mm. Value indicated in figures and by a class code in Roman numerals (or letter Z on N11). Perf 13 x 12½. Printed in sheets of 100 (10 rows of 10). Value, class code and oval inscriptions in black.
N11. $1.00 [Z] indigo
N12. $3.30 [I] grey-blue
N13. $4.80 [II] orange
N14. $6.30 [III] green
N15. $8.25 [IV] pale blue
N16. $10.50 [V] reddish purple
N17. $13.50 [VI] indigo
N18. $17.25 [VII] rose-carmine
N19. $19.35 [VIII] sepia
Note: illustrated above with N11/19 is a $7.35 value in grey-blue with Roman numeral VIII. This seems to have been printed using the same duty plate as N9 above, and was probably a trial designed to check the fit with the new frame plates; the figures of value on N11/19 are slightly smaller. I presume that the $7.35 [VIII] was never issued, but came onto the market along with the other values when the printer's specimen sheets were released from the archive.
N11. $1.00 [Z] indigo
N12. $3.30 [I] grey-blue
N13. $4.80 [II] orange
N14. $6.30 [III] green
N15. $8.25 [IV] pale blue
N16. $10.50 [V] reddish purple
N17. $13.50 [VI] indigo
N18. $17.25 [VII] rose-carmine
N19. $19.35 [VIII] sepia
Note: illustrated above with N11/19 is a $7.35 value in grey-blue with Roman numeral VIII. This seems to have been printed using the same duty plate as N9 above, and was probably a trial designed to check the fit with the new frame plates; the figures of value on N11/19 are slightly smaller. I presume that the $7.35 [VIII] was never issued, but came onto the market along with the other values when the printer's specimen sheets were released from the archive.
c1980s. As previous issue but redrawn, with taller figures of value and lighter background, and changed to perf 13½ x 13. Printed in sheets of 100 (10 rows of 10). Inscriptions as before.
N21. $1.00 [Z] indigo
N22. $3.30 [I] grey
N23. $4.80 [II] brown-orange
N24. $6.30 [III] green
N25. $8.25 [IV] grey-blue
N26. $10.50 [V] purple
N28. $17.25 [VII] rose-carmine
N29. $19.35 [VIII] sepia
1. As with the previous issue, it seems that the duty plate of N9 was used along with the new frame plate as a printing trial. The $7.35 trial in grey-blue with Roman numeral VIII is illustrated above with N21/29.
2. No stamp with Roman numeral VI has been recorded for this set.
3. Barefoot lists N21/29 as being issued before N11/19, which is possible but in my view unlikely since I believe the change of type was intended to make the second issue more legible than the first.
N21. $1.00 [Z] indigo
N22. $3.30 [I] grey
N23. $4.80 [II] brown-orange
N24. $6.30 [III] green
N25. $8.25 [IV] grey-blue
N26. $10.50 [V] purple
N28. $17.25 [VII] rose-carmine
N29. $19.35 [VIII] sepia
1. As with the previous issue, it seems that the duty plate of N9 was used along with the new frame plate as a printing trial. The $7.35 trial in grey-blue with Roman numeral VIII is illustrated above with N21/29.
2. No stamp with Roman numeral VI has been recorded for this set.
3. Barefoot lists N21/29 as being issued before N11/19, which is possible but in my view unlikely since I believe the change of type was intended to make the second issue more legible than the first.
c1980s. New Coat of Arms type, inscribed Republic of Trinidad and Tobago National Insurance around edges of central panel. No monetary value shown but denomination indicated by a code in Roman numerals, surrounded by the letter C (=Class of National Insurance). Perf 11½. Printed in sheets of 100 (10 rows of 10). C and Roman numerals in black.

N31. [I] carmine
N32. [II] carmine
N33. [III] carmine
N34. [IV] carmine
N35. [V] carmine
N36. [VI] carmine
N37. [VII] carmine
N38. [VIII] carmine
a. Rose-carmine, perf 12½
Note: sheets of N38a have a marginal imprint letter of either C or D (presumably plate or cylinder letters) below the first stamp in the last row.
N32. [II] carmine
N33. [III] carmine
N34. [IV] carmine
N35. [V] carmine
N36. [VI] carmine
N37. [VII] carmine
N38. [VIII] carmine
a. Rose-carmine, perf 12½
Note: sheets of N38a have a marginal imprint letter of either C or D (presumably plate or cylinder letters) below the first stamp in the last row.
Opium Duty
c1880. Excise strips, 335 x 33 mm, each consisting of five panels inscribed Customs Opium Trinidad, an instructional panel (The Vendor is required, etc) showing the weight of opium on which duty is paid, and a coloured embossed label bearing the Coat of Arms and inscribed Trinidad Duty on Opium. Perf 14 x imperf. No watermark.
O1. 2oz red
O2. 4oz blue
Note: the design of this issue is based on the tobacco excise strips used in the United Kingdom from 1863 onwards.
O1. 2oz red
O2. 4oz blue
Note: the design of this issue is based on the tobacco excise strips used in the United Kingdom from 1863 onwards.
Revenue stamps
Note: adhesive impressed / embossed revenue stamps are listed separately in the next section.
1879 (see note 1). Issue for Tobago. Portrait of Queen Victoria in circular frame, inscribed Tobago at top with ornaments below. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CC. Printed (typo) by De La Rue.

R1. 1d rose
R2. 3d blue
R3. 6d orange
R4. 1s green
R5. 5s slate
R6. £1 mauve
1. According to Gibbons, the above stamps were introduced on 1st July 1879, then authorised for postage from 1st August 1879 pending the arrival of dedicated postage stamps.
2. Similar stamps but additionally inscribed Postage below the Queen's portrait were issued from 1880 onwards. To date I have not seen any of these used fiscally.
3. Forgeries of the above issue were produced by Oneglia in the 1890s or 1900s, as illustrated above right. They are easily distinguished from genuine stamps by the coarse impression and the jagged perforations.
R2. 3d blue
R3. 6d orange
R4. 1s green
R5. 5s slate
R6. £1 mauve
1. According to Gibbons, the above stamps were introduced on 1st July 1879, then authorised for postage from 1st August 1879 pending the arrival of dedicated postage stamps.
2. Similar stamps but additionally inscribed Postage below the Queen's portrait were issued from 1880 onwards. To date I have not seen any of these used fiscally.
3. Forgeries of the above issue were produced by Oneglia in the 1890s or 1900s, as illustrated above right. They are easily distinguished from genuine stamps by the coarse impression and the jagged perforations.

1880 (recorded usage). 6d stamp of 1879 bisected and surcharged 1d in manuscript.
R9. 1d on half of 6d orange
Note: this stamp is known from a single piece dated 1880 which bears five examples tied with manuscript fiscal cancels. The piece has a BPA certificate of genuineness. Caution should be exercised in purchasing any example without expert certification.
R9. 1d on half of 6d orange
Note: this stamp is known from a single piece dated 1880 which bears five examples tied with manuscript fiscal cancels. The piece has a BPA certificate of genuineness. Caution should be exercised in purchasing any example without expert certification.
1884 (according to Morley). As 1879 issue but change to watermark Crown CA.
R11. 1d rose
R12. 3d blue
R13. 6d orange
R14. 1s green
R15. 5s slate
R16. £1 mauve
1. For other values and colours in this watermark, see R21/24 and footnote 1 there.
2. Earliest recorded usage: 1886 (6d), October 1886 (1s).
R11. 1d rose
R12. 3d blue
R13. 6d orange
R14. 1s green
R15. 5s slate
R16. £1 mauve
1. For other values and colours in this watermark, see R21/24 and footnote 1 there.
2. Earliest recorded usage: 1886 (6d), October 1886 (1s).
1890 (according to Morley). Queen Victoria type as previous issue but colours changed and new value (4d) added. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA.
R21. 1d dull purple
R22. 3d dull purple and black
R23. 4d dull purple and red
R24. 6d dull purple and blue
1. Barefoot lists a printing of the £1 value in purple as well as the mauve issue of 1884, though I have not seen this. Both Morley and Forbin list the 1s in two distinct shades - green/grey-green (Morley) or yellow-green/sea-green (Forbin) - while Barefoot lists a 1s in yellow, which I have not seen. I follow Morley in making one set of the 1d to 6d with dull purple head plate and another set (my R11/15) of all the others; Forbin and Barefoot each put a 1s green in the 1890 series.
2. Morley notes that the 4d is known imperf but I have not seen this.
3. Earliest recorded usage: 1898 (1d), 1891 (6d).
R21. 1d dull purple
R22. 3d dull purple and black
R23. 4d dull purple and red
R24. 6d dull purple and blue
1. Barefoot lists a printing of the £1 value in purple as well as the mauve issue of 1884, though I have not seen this. Both Morley and Forbin list the 1s in two distinct shades - green/grey-green (Morley) or yellow-green/sea-green (Forbin) - while Barefoot lists a 1s in yellow, which I have not seen. I follow Morley in making one set of the 1d to 6d with dull purple head plate and another set (my R11/15) of all the others; Forbin and Barefoot each put a 1s green in the 1890 series.
2. Morley notes that the 4d is known imperf but I have not seen this.
3. Earliest recorded usage: 1898 (1d), 1891 (6d).
1935-36. Issue for Trinidad and Tobago. 4c pictorial (Memorial Park), 28 x 23 mm. $1.20 and $2.40 portrait of King George V, 17½ x 21 mm, inscribed Revenue below country name. Wmk Multiple Script CA (sideways on 4c). Perf 13 x 12½ (4c) or perf 12 (others). Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson in sheets of 60 (4c) or 120 (others).
R31. 4c chocolate (1936)
R32. $1.20 blue-green
R33. $4.80 rose-carmine
1. Two colour trials were prepared for each value, the unadopted colours being violet for the 4c, dull purple for the $1.20 and chocolate for the $4.80.
2. Proofs as R32/3 with the portrait of King George VI were prepared in October 1938, but rejected in favour of a similar type with the word Revenue removed from the design (see S255/6 below).
R31. 4c chocolate (1936)
R32. $1.20 blue-green
R33. $4.80 rose-carmine
1. Two colour trials were prepared for each value, the unadopted colours being violet for the 4c, dull purple for the $1.20 and chocolate for the $4.80.
2. Proofs as R32/3 with the portrait of King George VI were prepared in October 1938, but rejected in favour of a similar type with the word Revenue removed from the design (see S255/6 below).
- Req 6672/2 (sent to Trinidad 3rd January 1935): $1.20 (363 sheets), $4.80 (110 sheets)
- Req 7718/2 (sent to Trinidad 29th January 1936): $1.20 (214 sheets), $4.80 (217 sheets)
- Req 7919 (sent to Trinidad 23rd July 1936): 4c (8,650 sheets)
- Req 8605/1 (sent to Trinidad 8th April 1937): 4c (3,461 sheets)
- Req 8879/1 (sent to Trinidad 27th August 1937): 4c (2,530 sheets)
- Req 9072/1 (sent to Trinidad 3rd and 21st December 1937): 4c (14,430 sheets)
- Req 9485/1 (sent to Trinidad 15th July 1938): $1.20 and $4.80 (quantities not recorded)
Adhesive embossed
General notes on the sterling issues (Y1/72):
1. All stamps were printed in sheets of 60 by Somerset House, London. The country name was typographed first in black, then the design added in grey or blue using an inked embossing process. Similar stamps without the Trinidad & Tobago underprint were issued for Great Britain.
2. Each embossing die is identified by one or two code letters, or by a pair of roses. The die code for each stamp is given in brackets in this listing. There are a number of minor variations in design from one die to the next of the same value, relating to the shape of the crown and the position of the die letters. For further details see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman on the equivalent issues for Jamaica.
3. Printing quantities for embossed stamps are documented in the Crown Agents Requisition Books (now housed in the British Library), beginning in February 1922. Unfortunately watermarks and die letters are not distinguished in the records, though in some cases these can be worked out by cross-reference to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office collection. The printings according to the Requisition Books are as follows:
General notes on the sterling issues (Y1/72):
1. All stamps were printed in sheets of 60 by Somerset House, London. The country name was typographed first in black, then the design added in grey or blue using an inked embossing process. Similar stamps without the Trinidad & Tobago underprint were issued for Great Britain.
2. Each embossing die is identified by one or two code letters, or by a pair of roses. The die code for each stamp is given in brackets in this listing. There are a number of minor variations in design from one die to the next of the same value, relating to the shape of the crown and the position of the die letters. For further details see the articles by McClellan and Seidelman on the equivalent issues for Jamaica.
3. Printing quantities for embossed stamps are documented in the Crown Agents Requisition Books (now housed in the British Library), beginning in February 1922. Unfortunately watermarks and die letters are not distinguished in the records, though in some cases these can be worked out by cross-reference to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office collection. The printings according to the Requisition Books are as follows:
- Req 157/21 (sent to Trinidad 15th and 21st February 1922): 4d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s, £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100
- Req 3236 (sent to Trinidad 24th January 1923): 3d, 4d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 9s, 10s, £1
- Req 3442 (sent to Trinidad 20th February 1924): 4d C, 6d I, 1s J, 2s J, 3s M, 4s N, 5s J, 6s A, 10s J, £1 T, £5 K (large format), £10 C, £20 C, £100 Roses
- Req 3633 (sent to Trinidad 6th February 1925): 4d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 10s, £1, £5, £10, £20, £100
- Req 3833 (sent to Trinidad 24th November 1925): 4d, 6d, 9d A
- Req 4011 (sent to Trinidad 23rd September 1926): 3d F, 4d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, £1
- Req 4207 (sent to Trinidad 11th and 18th July 1927): 6d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, £1, £10, £20, £50 E (small format), £100
- Req 4453 (sent to Trinidad 10th May 1928): 3d, 6d, 9d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100
- Req 4788 (sent to Trinidad 26th April 1929): 3d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 9s Roses, 10s, £1, £5, £10, £20, £100
- Req 5029 (sent to Trinidad 10th December 1929): 6d AH (3-line opt)
- Req 5171 (sent to Trinidad 6th May 1930): 2d
- Req 5320 (sent to Trinidad 10th October 1930): 2d Y (2-line opt), 3d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1s AC (2-line opt), 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 9s, 10s AF (2-line opt), £1, £5 U (2-line opt), £10, £20, £50, £100
- Req 5666 (sent to Trinidad 26th August 1931): 6d AS, 9d B, 1s AC, 10s AF (all 2-line opt)
- Req 6135 (sent to Trinidad 25th January 1933): 2d, 3d, 9d, 1s
- Req 6242 (sent to Trinidad 12th April 1933): 6d
- Req 6374 (sent to Trinidad 16th August 1933): 4d, 9d, 2s, 4s, 5s, 10s, £1
- Req 6659 (sent to Trinidad 7th March 1934): 6d, 5s, 10s
- Req 6925 (sent to Trinidad 21st August 1934): 4d, 6d, 1s, 2s, £1
1906-18 (recorded usage). Imperial Crown (pence and shilling values) or Head of Britannia (£1 and above), in various ornamental frames, approx 34 x 34 mm from perf-tip to perf-tip. Overprinted Trinidad & Tobago in three lines of sans-serif capitals (14½ x 9½ mm). Perf 12. Watermark Multiple Crown CA.

Y1. 2d grey (Roses)
Y2. 3d grey (F)
Y3. 4d grey (Roses)
a. Die C
Y4. 6d grey (H)
Y5. 1s grey (H)
a. Die I
Y6. 2s grey (I)
Y7. 3s grey (A) (opt at foot)
a. Opt at top (1908)
Y8. 4s grey (Roses)
Y9. 5s grey (H)
Y10. 6s grey (Roses)
Y11. 9s grey (Roses)
Y12. 10s grey (I)
a. Die J
Y13. £1 grey (F)
1. For other values listed by Barefoot in this watermark, see note 1 after Y12/31.
2. The 3s is the only value of this series known with the overprint in two different positions, ie at either the foot or the top of the stamp. On other values the placement is close to the centre of the stamp, or at the top of the stamp for the 2d, 4d, 4s, 6s and 9s. The 3s blue of the later issue (Y27) has the overprint at the top.
Y2. 3d grey (F)
Y3. 4d grey (Roses)
a. Die C
Y4. 6d grey (H)
Y5. 1s grey (H)
a. Die I
Y6. 2s grey (I)
Y7. 3s grey (A) (opt at foot)
a. Opt at top (1908)
Y8. 4s grey (Roses)
Y9. 5s grey (H)
Y10. 6s grey (Roses)
Y11. 9s grey (Roses)
Y12. 10s grey (I)
a. Die J
Y13. £1 grey (F)
1. For other values listed by Barefoot in this watermark, see note 1 after Y12/31.
2. The 3s is the only value of this series known with the overprint in two different positions, ie at either the foot or the top of the stamp. On other values the placement is close to the centre of the stamp, or at the top of the stamp for the 2d, 4d, 4s, 6s and 9s. The 3s blue of the later issue (Y27) has the overprint at the top.
1915-25 (recorded usage). As previous issue but colour changed from grey to blue. Overprinted at top (2d, 4d, 3s and 9s) or in centre (others). Perf 12. Watermark Multiple Crown CA.
Y21. 2d blue (Roses)
Y23. 4d blue (C)
Y24. 6d blue (H)
a. Die J (1922)
Y25. 1s blue (H)
Y26. 2s blue (I)
a. Die J (1923)
Y27. 3s blue (A)
Y28. 5s blue (H)
Y29. 9s blue (A)
Y30. 10s blue (K)
Y31. £1 blue (F)
1. Barefoot also lists the following values, though he does not distinguish between grey and blue: 6d (I), 2s (G), 4s (A), 5s (J and K), 6s (A), £1 (T), £5 (F and I). I have not seen these in either grey or blue with MCA watermark.
2. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.
Y21. 2d blue (Roses)
Y23. 4d blue (C)
Y24. 6d blue (H)
a. Die J (1922)
Y25. 1s blue (H)
Y26. 2s blue (I)
a. Die J (1923)
Y27. 3s blue (A)
Y28. 5s blue (H)
Y29. 9s blue (A)
Y30. 10s blue (K)
Y31. £1 blue (F)
1. Barefoot also lists the following values, though he does not distinguish between grey and blue: 6d (I), 2s (G), 4s (A), 5s (J and K), 6s (A), £1 (T), £5 (F and I). I have not seen these in either grey or blue with MCA watermark.
2. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.
1924-31. As 1915-25 issue but change to wmk Multiple Script CA. Trinidad & Tobago overprint in three lines as before. Two different types of 6d, three of 10s.
[Y41. 3d blue (F)]
Y42. 4d blue (C)
Y43. 6d blue (crown in centre) (I)
a. Die J
b. Crown at top (AH) (1930)
[Y44. 9d blue (A) (1925)]
[Y45. 1s blue (J)]
Y46. 2s blue (G)
[a. Die J]
Y47. 3s blue (M)
Y48. 4s blue (Roses)
a. Die N
Y49. 5s blue (J)
a. Die H
[Y50. 6s blue (A)]
[Y51. 9s blue (Roses) (1929)]
Y52. 10s blue (crown in centre) (K)
[a. Die J]
b. Crown at top, opt at foot (AC)
c. Crown at top, opt at top (AF)
Y53. £1 blue (F)
a. Die T
[Y54. £5 blue (K)]
[Y55. £10 blue (C)]
[Y56. £20 blue (C)]
[Y57. £50 blue (E) (1927)]
[Y58. £100 blue (Roses)]
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Trinidad is given in brackets where recorded.
2. The £5 value is in larger format, approx 42 x 45 mm.
3. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.
[Y41. 3d blue (F)]
Y42. 4d blue (C)
Y43. 6d blue (crown in centre) (I)
a. Die J
b. Crown at top (AH) (1930)
[Y44. 9d blue (A) (1925)]
[Y45. 1s blue (J)]
Y46. 2s blue (G)
[a. Die J]
Y47. 3s blue (M)
Y48. 4s blue (Roses)
a. Die N
Y49. 5s blue (J)
a. Die H
[Y50. 6s blue (A)]
[Y51. 9s blue (Roses) (1929)]
Y52. 10s blue (crown in centre) (K)
[a. Die J]
b. Crown at top, opt at foot (AC)
c. Crown at top, opt at top (AF)
Y53. £1 blue (F)
a. Die T
[Y54. £5 blue (K)]
[Y55. £10 blue (C)]
[Y56. £20 blue (C)]
[Y57. £50 blue (E) (1927)]
[Y58. £100 blue (Roses)]
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Trinidad is given in brackets where recorded.
2. The £5 value is in larger format, approx 42 x 45 mm.
3. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.
1930-34. As previous issue but now overprinted Trinidad & Tobago in two lines of larger sans-serif font, 22 x 8 mm, with the overprint placed towards the foot of the stamp on all values. Perf 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.

[Y61. 2d blue (Y) (1930)]
Y62. 3d blue (AD)
Y64. 6d blue (AH)
[a. Die AS (1931)]
[Y65. 9d blue (B) (1931)]
Y66. 1s blue (AC)
Y69. 5s blue (K)
Y70. 10s blue (AF)
[Y72. £5 blue (U) (1930)]
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Trinidad is given in brackets where recorded.
2. The Crown Agents Requisition books record the 4d, 2s, 4s and £1 values as having been reprinted in 1933 and 1934, after the two-line overprint had been introduced. It seems likely that these reprints were made using the two-line overprint - in fact Barefoot lists the 4d (C) and 2s (G) as well as the 6d (AC) - but I have not seen any of these.
3. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.
Y62. 3d blue (AD)
Y64. 6d blue (AH)
[a. Die AS (1931)]
[Y65. 9d blue (B) (1931)]
Y66. 1s blue (AC)
Y69. 5s blue (K)
Y70. 10s blue (AF)
[Y72. £5 blue (U) (1930)]
1. The values shown in square brackets have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books. In these cases the date of dispatch to Trinidad is given in brackets where recorded.
2. The Crown Agents Requisition books record the 4d, 2s, 4s and £1 values as having been reprinted in 1933 and 1934, after the two-line overprint had been introduced. It seems likely that these reprints were made using the two-line overprint - in fact Barefoot lists the 4d (C) and 2s (G) as well as the 6d (AC) - but I have not seen any of these.
3. For print quantities see the general notes at the top of this section.

1934-55 (see schedule of printings below). New circular designs, 30 mm diameter, with value in decimal currency, inscribed Trinidad and Tobago at top. No die letters. Perf 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
Y81. 6c blue
Y82. 8c blue
Y83. 12c blue
Y84. 24c blue
Y85. 48c blue
Y86. 60c blue
Y87. $1.20 blue
Y88. $2.40 blue
Y89. $4.80 blue
Y90. $24 blue
[Y91. $120 blue]
Note: the existence of the $120 is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books, but I have not seen an example.
Y81. 6c blue
Y82. 8c blue
Y83. 12c blue
Y84. 24c blue
Y85. 48c blue
Y86. 60c blue
Y87. $1.20 blue
Y88. $2.40 blue
Y89. $4.80 blue
Y90. $24 blue
[Y91. $120 blue]
Note: the existence of the $120 is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books, but I have not seen an example.
- Req 6964 (sent to Trinidad 9th November 1934): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 7535 (sent to Trinidad 3rd October 1935): 12c, 24c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80
- Req 8071 (sent to Trinidad 26th June 1936): 8c, 24c, 48c, 60c
- Req 8240 (sent to Trinidad 22nd September 1936): 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24
- Req 8623 (sent to Trinidad 19th April 1937): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 8980/1 (sent to Trinidad 26th October 1937): 8c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 9369/1 (sent to Trinidad 27th May 1938): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, $2.40
- Req 9599/1 (sent to Trinidad 13th September 1938): 6c, 8c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 9786/1 (sent to Trinidad 10th February 1939): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 398/1 (sent to Trinidad 24th January 1940): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80
- Req 628/1 (sent to Trinidad 9th August 1940): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 972/1 (sent to Trinidad 19th December 1941): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24
- Req 972/1A (sent to Trinidad 2nd April 1942): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24
- Req 1068/1 (sent to Trinidad 26th to 29th May 1942): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 1805/1 (sent to Trinidad 22nd September 1944): $24
- Req 2330/1 (sent to Trinidad 19th June 1946): 8c, 60c, $4.80
- Req 2534/1 (sent to Trinidad 24th October 1946): 6c, 8c, 60c, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 2701/1 (sent to Trinidad 23rd April 1947): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 3638/1 (sent to Trinidad 4th February 1949): 8c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $4.80, $24
- Req 4802/1 (sent to Trinidad 15th September 1950): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80
- Req 5875/1 (sent to Trinidad 28th February 1952): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 7130/1 (sent to Trinidad 28th September 1953): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 7899/1 (sent to Trinidad 31st August 1954): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 7899/1 (sent to Trinidad 28th July and 31st August 1954): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
- Req 8687/1 (sent to Trinidad 8th July 1955): 6c, 8c, 12c, 24c, 48c, 60c, $1.20, $2.40, $4.80, $24, $120
1964. As previous issue but special new printing on paper watermarked Multiple Block CA and surcharged in figures.
Y101. 50c on 48c blue
[Y102. $1 on 48c blue]
[Y103. $2 on 48c blue]
Y104. $7.50 on 48c blue
Note: Y102 and Y103 have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books, as shown in the printing schedule below.
Y101. 50c on 48c blue
[Y102. $1 on 48c blue]
[Y103. $2 on 48c blue]
Y104. $7.50 on 48c blue
Note: Y102 and Y103 have not yet been recorded as issued stamps, but their existence is known from the Crown Agents Requisition Books, as shown in the printing schedule below.
- Req 6/52558 (sent to Trinidad 20th May 1964): 50c on 48c (2000 sheets), $1 on 48c (2500 sheets), $2 on 48c (2500 sheets)
Direct embossed

1902-09 (recorded usage). Crown with inscription Trinidad at top. 17 x 28 mm (1d) or 29 x 36 mm (3d to 1s). Date plugs with year at foot. Recorded dates of usage are shown in brackets.
Z1. 1d vermilion (1906-09)
Z3. 3d vermilion (1905)
Z4. 6d vermilion (1902)
Z6. 1s vermilion (1903-05)
Note: illustrated here are two essays for a £5 value, one with and one without date plugs. This is not currently known as an issued stamp.
Z1. 1d vermilion (1906-09)
Z3. 3d vermilion (1905)
Z4. 6d vermilion (1902)
Z6. 1s vermilion (1903-05)
Note: illustrated here are two essays for a £5 value, one with and one without date plugs. This is not currently known as an issued stamp.

1916-35 (recorded usage). Crown type with date plugs as before but now inscribed Trinidad & Tobago at top. 17 x 28 mm.
Z11. 1d vermilion (1916-33)
a. Redrawn (1921)
Z12. 2d vermilion (1923)
Note: Z11 and Z11a can be distinguished mainly by the shape of the crown. There are other minor differences such as the position of the lower date plugs relative to the ornament at foot.
Z11. 1d vermilion (1916-33)
a. Redrawn (1921)
Z12. 2d vermilion (1923)
Note: Z11 and Z11a can be distinguished mainly by the shape of the crown. There are other minor differences such as the position of the lower date plugs relative to the ornament at foot.
1939-69 (recorded usage). Similar to previous issue but redrawn with a die letter at foot, and value now shown in decimal currency. 17 x 28 mm. Die letters and recorded dates of usage shown in brackets.
Z20a. 4c vermilion (Die A, 1939-47)
c. Die C (1957)
Z21a. 5c vermilion (Die A, 1964-68)
b. Die B (1963)
d. Die D (1965-66)
e. Die E (1964)
f. Die F (1961-63)
i. Die I (1969)
k. Die K (1965-69)
l. Die L (1968)
m. Die M (1964)
Note: Barber also lists the 2c in similar type, which I am sure is an error for the 2d (my Z12). He also lists the 4c with die letters B, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, plus the 5c C, G and H. I have not seen these.
Z20a. 4c vermilion (Die A, 1939-47)
c. Die C (1957)
Z21a. 5c vermilion (Die A, 1964-68)
b. Die B (1963)
d. Die D (1965-66)
e. Die E (1964)
f. Die F (1961-63)
i. Die I (1969)
k. Die K (1965-69)
l. Die L (1968)
m. Die M (1964)
Note: Barber also lists the 2c in similar type, which I am sure is an error for the 2d (my Z12). He also lists the 4c with die letters B, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, plus the 5c C, G and H. I have not seen these.
1958-74 (recorded usage). Circular designs, 30 mm diameter, showing crown and patterns of swirls or foliage, inscribed Trinidad and Tobago at top. No die letters. Date plugs with year at lower right. Recorded dates of usage are shown in brackets.
a) First issue, denominated in multiples of 6c or 8c (1958)
Z37. 60c vermilion
Z40. $2.40 vermilion
b) Second issue, denominated in multiples of 5c (1959-74)
Z51. 5c vermilion
Z52. 10c vermilion
Z53. 15c vermilion
Z54. 25c vermilion
Z55. 50c vermilion
Z56. 75c vermilion
Z57. $1 vermilion
Z58. $2 vermilion
Z59. $5 vermilion
Z60. $7.50 vermilion
Z61. $10 vermilion
Z62. $15 vermilion
Z63. $25 vermilion
Z64. $50 vermilion
Z65. $100 vermilion
Z66. $250 vermilion
Z67. $500 vermilion
Z68. $1000 vermilion
1. Barber lists a similar type without date plugs, with values from 6c to $120, all in vermilion, registered in 1934, though I believe this is an error for the adhesive embossed stamps in blue (my Y81/91 above).
2. Barber states that Z37 and Z40 along with 16 more values which I have not seen were registered on 1 November 1954. Recorded usage is July 1958.
3. Barber states that Z71/68 were registered on 27 June 1958. Recorded usage is between February 1959 and June 1974.
a) First issue, denominated in multiples of 6c or 8c (1958)
Z37. 60c vermilion
Z40. $2.40 vermilion
b) Second issue, denominated in multiples of 5c (1959-74)
Z51. 5c vermilion
Z52. 10c vermilion
Z53. 15c vermilion
Z54. 25c vermilion
Z55. 50c vermilion
Z56. 75c vermilion
Z57. $1 vermilion
Z58. $2 vermilion
Z59. $5 vermilion
Z60. $7.50 vermilion
Z61. $10 vermilion
Z62. $15 vermilion
Z63. $25 vermilion
Z64. $50 vermilion
Z65. $100 vermilion
Z66. $250 vermilion
Z67. $500 vermilion
Z68. $1000 vermilion
1. Barber lists a similar type without date plugs, with values from 6c to $120, all in vermilion, registered in 1934, though I believe this is an error for the adhesive embossed stamps in blue (my Y81/91 above).
2. Barber states that Z37 and Z40 along with 16 more values which I have not seen were registered on 1 November 1954. Recorded usage is July 1958.
3. Barber states that Z71/68 were registered on 27 June 1958. Recorded usage is between February 1959 and June 1974.
1972-91 (recorded usage). As previous issues but Coat of Arms in place of crown.
a) Cheque stamps as Z20/21
Z69. 5c vermilion (1972-81)
Z70. 10c vermilion (1984)
a) Cheque stamps as Z20/21
Z69. 5c vermilion (1972-81)
Z70. 10c vermilion (1984)
b) Circular stamps as Z51/68
Z75. 50c vermilion
Z78. $2 vermilion
Z79. $5 vermilion
Z80. $7.50 vermilion
Z81. $10 vermilion
Z83. $25 vermilion
Z84. $50 vermilion
Z85. $100 vermilion
Z87. $500 vermilion
1. Illustrated here is a stamp similar to Z69 but with blank value tablet. I believe this was used as a temporary measure pending the arrival of a new 10c die.
2. Barber states that Z75/87 along with 9 more values which I have not seen were registered on 2nd October 1967. Recorded usage is between October 1972 and July 1991. Recorded usage of the cheque stamps is 1972-81 (Z69) and 1984 (Z70).
Z75. 50c vermilion
Z78. $2 vermilion
Z79. $5 vermilion
Z80. $7.50 vermilion
Z81. $10 vermilion
Z83. $25 vermilion
Z84. $50 vermilion
Z85. $100 vermilion
Z87. $500 vermilion
1. Illustrated here is a stamp similar to Z69 but with blank value tablet. I believe this was used as a temporary measure pending the arrival of a new 10c die.
2. Barber states that Z75/87 along with 9 more values which I have not seen were registered on 2nd October 1967. Recorded usage is between October 1972 and July 1991. Recorded usage of the cheque stamps is 1972-81 (Z69) and 1984 (Z70).
Revenue usage of Postage stamps
Note: for ease of reference, numbering follows the
Stanley Gibbons Part 1 catalogue throughout this section. Values listed
here are those recorded as having been used for revenue purposes.
1896-1906. Britannia key types, inscribed Trinidad at top. Perf 14. 18½ x 22½ mm, wmk Crown CA (½d to 1s) or 22 x 38½ mm, wmk CA over Crown (5s to £1).
S114. ½d dull purple and green
S115. 1d dull purple and rose (round O in ONE)
S116. 1d dull purple and rose (oval O in ONE) (1900)
S117. 2½d dull purple and blue
S118. 4d dull purple and orange
S120. 6d dull purple and black
S121. 1s green and brown
S122. 5s green and brown
S123. 10s green and ultramarine
S124. £1 green and carmine
S114. ½d dull purple and green
S115. 1d dull purple and rose (round O in ONE)
S116. 1d dull purple and rose (oval O in ONE) (1900)
S117. 2½d dull purple and blue
S118. 4d dull purple and orange
S120. 6d dull purple and black
S121. 1s green and brown
S122. 5s green and brown
S123. 10s green and ultramarine
S124. £1 green and carmine

1898. 400th Anniversary of Discovery of Trinidad. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CC. Printed (recess) by De La Rue.
S125. 2d brown and dull violet
1901-1906. Britannia key types as 1896-1906 issue but colours changed. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA (1d to 1s) or CA over Crown (5s).
S127. 1d black on red
S129a. 4d green and blue on buff (chalk-surfaced paper) (1902)
S130. 1s black and blue on yellow (1903)
S131. 5s lilac and mauve
a. Deep purple and mauve (chalk-surfaced paper) (1906)
S127. 1d black on red
S129a. 4d green and blue on buff (chalk-surfaced paper) (1902)
S130. 1s black and blue on yellow (1903)
S131. 5s lilac and mauve
a. Deep purple and mauve (chalk-surfaced paper) (1906)

1904-09. Change to wmk Multiple Crown CA. Perf 14.
S133. ½d blue-green (1906)
S135. 1d rose-red (1907)
S139. 6d dull purple and black (1905)
S140. 6d dull and bright purple (1906)
S141. 1s black and blue on yellow
S142. 1s purple and blue on golden yellow
S143. 1s black on green (1906)
S144. 5s deep purple and mauve (1907)
S145. £1 green and carmine (1907)
1909. Redrawn frame. Wmk Multiple Crown CA. Perf 14.
S147. 1d rose-red
S133. ½d blue-green (1906)
S135. 1d rose-red (1907)
S139. 6d dull purple and black (1905)
S140. 6d dull and bright purple (1906)
S141. 1s black and blue on yellow
S142. 1s purple and blue on golden yellow
S143. 1s black on green (1906)
S144. 5s deep purple and mauve (1907)
S145. £1 green and carmine (1907)
1909. Redrawn frame. Wmk Multiple Crown CA. Perf 14.
S147. 1d rose-red
1913-23. Britannia key types as before but now inscribed Trinidad & Tobago at top. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Crown CA.
S150. 1d bright red
S153. 6d dull and reddish purple
S154. 1s black on green
a. White back
S155. 5s dull purple and mauve (1914)
d. Brown-purple and violet
S156. £1 grey-green and carmine (1914)
S150. 1d bright red
S153. 6d dull and reddish purple
S154. 1s black on green
a. White back
S155. 5s dull purple and mauve (1914)
d. Brown-purple and violet
S156. £1 grey-green and carmine (1914)
1921-22. Change to wmk Multiple Script CA. Perf 14.
S209. 2d grey (1922)
S212. 6d dull and bright purple
S213. 5s dull purple and purple
S215. £1 green and carmine
S209. 2d grey (1922)
S212. 6d dull and bright purple
S213. 5s dull purple and purple
S215. £1 green and carmine
1922-28. New Britannia key type with portrait of King George V. Perf 14. Wmk Multiple Script CA. Printed (typo) by De La Rue.
S219. 1d brown
S220. 1½d bright rose
S222. 2d grey
S224. 4d black and red on pale yellow (1928)
S225. 6d dull purple and bright magenta
S226. 6d green and red on emerald (1924)
S227. 1s black on emerald
S228. 5s dull purple and mauve
S229. £1 green and bright rose
S219. 1d brown
S220. 1½d bright rose
S222. 2d grey
S224. 4d black and red on pale yellow (1928)
S225. 6d dull purple and bright magenta
S226. 6d green and red on emerald (1924)
S227. 1s black on emerald
S228. 5s dull purple and mauve
S229. £1 green and bright rose
1935-37. New pictorial types denominated in decimal currency. Perf 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA (sideways). Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson.
S231. 2c ultramarine and yellow-brown
S234. 8c sage-green and vermilion
S236. 24c black and olive-green
S237. 48c deep green
S231. 2c ultramarine and yellow-brown
S234. 8c sage-green and vermilion
S236. 24c black and olive-green
S237. 48c deep green

1935. King George V Silver Jubilee. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson. Perf 11 x 12. Wmk Multiple Script CA.
S239. 2c ultramarine and grey-black
a. Extra flagstaff
S239. 2c ultramarine and grey-black
a. Extra flagstaff
1938-44. Pictorial types with portrait of King George VI, plus high values as R32/33 but without Revenue inscription and with new portrait. Perf 11½ x 11 (cents values) or perf 12 (others). Wmk Multiple Script CA (sideways on cents values). Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson.
S247. 2c blue and yellow-brown
S248a. 3c green and purple-brown (1941)
S249. 4c chocolate
S249a. 4c scarlet (1941)
S250. 6c sepia and blue
S252. 12c black and purple
S253. 24c black and olive-green
S254. 60c myrtle-green and carmine
S255. $1.20 blue-green (1940)
S256. $4.80 rose-carmine (1940)
S247. 2c blue and yellow-brown
S248a. 3c green and purple-brown (1941)
S249. 4c chocolate
S249a. 4c scarlet (1941)
S250. 6c sepia and blue
S252. 12c black and purple
S253. 24c black and olive-green
S254. 60c myrtle-green and carmine
S255. $1.20 blue-green (1940)
S256. $4.80 rose-carmine (1940)

1949. 75th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union.
S263. 12c violet
1953-55. As 1938-44 issue but now with portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Perf 11½ x 11 (cents values) or perf 12 (others). Wmk Multiple Script CA. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson.
S267. 1c blue and green
S268. 2c indigo and orange-brown
S270. 4c scarlet
S271. 5c magenta
S272. 6c brown and greenish blue
S274. 12c black and purple
S275. 24c black and yellow-olive
S276. 60c blackish green and carmine
S277. $1.20 bluish green
S278. $4.80 cerise
S267. 1c blue and green
S268. 2c indigo and orange-brown
S270. 4c scarlet
S271. 5c magenta
S272. 6c brown and greenish blue
S274. 12c black and purple
S275. 24c black and yellow-olive
S276. 60c blackish green and carmine
S277. $1.20 bluish green
S278. $4.80 cerise

1958. Inauguration of the West Indies Federation. Printed (recess) by Bradbury Wilkinson. Perf 11½ x 11. Wmk Multiple Block CA.
S281. 5c deep green

1960-65. Pictorials. Perf 14½ x 13½. Wmk Multiple Block CA. Printed (photo) by Harrison & Sons.
S286. 5c chalky blue
S292. 25c rose-carmine and deep blue
S286. 5c chalky blue
S292. 25c rose-carmine and deep blue
1969-72. Pictorials, with Queen's profile die-stamped in gold. Perf 14 x 14½ ($5) or 14. Wmk Multiple Block CA. Printed (photo) by Harrison & Sons.
S348. 25c multicoloured
S354. $5 multicoloured
S348. 25c multicoloured
S354. $5 multicoloured
1976-78. Paintings. Perf 14. Wmk Crown CA Diagonal. Printed (litho) by Questa.
S479. 5c multicoloured
S482. 10c multicoloured
S486. 25c multicoloured
S479. 5c multicoloured
S482. 10c multicoloured
S486. 25c multicoloured

1980. Population Census. Previous issue overprinted.
S560. 5c multicoloured