Yemen and the Arab Gulf States
In this section of the website you will find a basic listing of some modern revenues of Yemen and the Arab Gulf States. Some of the images shown here are taken from eBay listings, which often means unfortunately that they are low definition. Where I have had the opportunity to examine actual stamps, I have specified size, perforation and watermark. Dates of issue are approximate, usually based on printers' records (where available) or on earliest recorded usage.
Abu Dhabi
Saudi Arabia (image library)
Trucial States
United Arab Emirates
Yemen (Northern / Kingdom / Yemen Arab Republic)
Yemen (Southern / People's Democratic Republic)
Euro-Arab Chambers of Commerce
(see also individual territory pages)
The Arab Gulf States section of this website is dedicated with warm gratitude to Joe Ross of California, a stamp collector and researcher of incomparable expertise, commitment and energy. It is largely due to Joe's efforts that the revenue stamps of the Arab Gulf States are on the philatelic map at all, and he personally masterminded the listings in most of the recent editions of Barefoot's British Commonwealth Revenues catalogue. Joe has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me in my revenue research, and I hope to have the opportunity of collaborating with him in future projects.
Resources in print
J Barefoot Ltd, British Commonwealth Revenues (8th Edition, privately published, 2008)
Online resources
Emirates Postal Museum
Magan Stamps
I am very grateful to my father-in-law David for his translations from the Arabic.
(see also individual territory pages)
The Arab Gulf States section of this website is dedicated with warm gratitude to Joe Ross of California, a stamp collector and researcher of incomparable expertise, commitment and energy. It is largely due to Joe's efforts that the revenue stamps of the Arab Gulf States are on the philatelic map at all, and he personally masterminded the listings in most of the recent editions of Barefoot's British Commonwealth Revenues catalogue. Joe has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me in my revenue research, and I hope to have the opportunity of collaborating with him in future projects.
Resources in print
J Barefoot Ltd, British Commonwealth Revenues (8th Edition, privately published, 2008)
Online resources
Emirates Postal Museum
Magan Stamps
I am very grateful to my father-in-law David for his translations from the Arabic.